Olympe Maxine x Reader (Request)

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Requested by Viv_JustHereToRead. I'm so sorry for how long it's taken to get this up.

Y/n's POV

Standing in the great hall watching as everyone has a good time I turn my attention to my wife who had, very reluctantly, agreed to dance with the grounds keeper of Hogwarts when he asked her too. Meeting her eyes I hide my smirk behind my goblet making her scowl at me as she breaks away from Hagrid and comes over to me, pulling me tight into her body as she does so. "Are you having fun darling?" I ask her as she takes my goblet and finishes what little wine is in it before guiding me over to the dance area without looking away from me. Shaking my head at my wife's antics I happily dance with her as she holds me close to her making some of our girls whistle at us.

"Now I am love." She says as she sways us and I can't help but lean in to kiss her softly before pulling back to look at her with a smile that she returns. Happily swaying with her for a while I pull away from her when I feel a slight tug on my robes and look down at the youngest DeLacour sister who looks up at me innocently. "There is never a day off in this job is there?"

"Go get us fresh drinks while I help young Miss DeLacour." I tell my wife with a roll of my eyes and she kisses me quickly before walking off which allows me to focus on Gabrielle who motions for me to follow her which I do with a slight frown. "Gabrielle, sweetheart, what seems to be the problem?" I ask her softly when we get to the carriages and she slumps onto the side of it with tears in her eyes making me sigh softly as I crouch in front of her with a small smile.

"I want my parents Professor Maxine." She says quietly as her tears fall and I nod in understanding as I move to sit beside her. Hiding a gasp of shock when she falls into my side I stroke her arm lightly as she cries until she slowly calms down. "Sorry for ruining tonight. Fleur said that I shouldn't say anything because you and Madame Maxine were relaxing together."

"None of that sweetheart, you're allowed to miss your parents no matter how old you are. Especially when they're in a different country than you." I tell her and she nods as she cuddles into my side with a barely concealed yawn making me chuckle slightly. "As for ruining tonight, you have done no such thing and I'll personally tell your sister that she was wrong for saying that. We might very well have been having a nice night but we would both much rather know that you are okay than remain ignorant to the fact you're upset." I say as I stroke her hair out of her face making her flush slightly while her eyes droop tiredly. Standing up I carry her into her carriage and lay her down on her bed with a soft smile making her smile as she falls asleep with a loose grip on my robes. Carefully prying her fingers out of my robe as the door opens again I turn to see a worried Fleur standing there and smile at her softly.

"I'm sorry she disturbed you and the Headmistress, Madame Maxine." She says quietly as we leave the carriage but I shake my head with a soft smile making her look down at her hands which I take softly. "I never thought about how hard this competition would be on her with being away from mum and dad."

"I don't think any of us did sweetheart but this isn't just her missing her parents, it's also about her being scared for her immensely talented big sister who is facing very dangerous challenges. She's scared of you getting hurt Fleur and I know that you see her as an annoying little sister but that girl looks up to you Fleur." I say softly and she looks at me shocked before sighing making me chuckle. "Go lay with her Fleur and let her know that you're safe because that last challenge scared all of us and we're not your family. I can only imagine the terrors going through her mind." I tell her and she nods as she starts to go into the carriage but stops and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you. You've always been so good to both me and Gabby despite how much trouble we tend to get in." She says before disappearing making me chuckle as I make my way back inside and walk over to my wife who looks annoyed as Hagrid tries to get closer to her.

"Ah, my love is everything okay with Miss DeLacour?" Olympe asks when she see's me, pulling me into her side while passing me my glass while placing a soft kiss on my lips making Hagrid grumble slightly.

"She's fine, missing her parents and worried about her sister but other than that absolutely fine." I tell her as I take a sip of the wine and bite my lip when I feel her hand running along my back making her chuckle slightly. "Did I miss much while I was outside?"

"You missed the young Miss Granger running out angrily after losing it on the redheaded boy. Poor Mister Potter looked beyond confused as to how he found himself pulled into it." She says and I roll my eyes at that while looking up at her with a smile. "Can I tempt you into joining me in another dance?" She asks as she wraps both arms around my waist making me turn in her arms with a raised eyebrow.

"With you? Always. However, right now I'm rather comfy as I am so if you don't mind can we stay like this for a while?" I ask her making Minerva laugh as she comes over to us while Olympe nods in agreement as we stand talking to Minerva who somehow manages to convince me to dance with her. "If your grounds keeper keeps trying to sleep with my wife Albus will have to find a replacement old friend." I say with a cheeky smile making her slap my arm with a laugh.

"Less of the old, you're only three months younger than me y/n." She says with a grin making me chuckle as we move around the dance floor. "Surely you don't feel threatened by Hagrid. I thought that you and Olympe were secure in your relationship."

"We are Min but you'd be slightly put out if another witch or wizard started setting their sights on Rolanda. Would you not?" I ask and she nods with a scowl making me chuckle slightly. "Honestly, I trust that woman with my life and we both know our veela's wouldn't let us hurt each other like that but... I'm still allowed to feel threatened when another man, a half-giant at that tried to seduce my mate." I tell her and she nods in understanding as we make our way back to the side where Olympe pulls me tight to her with a grim making me slap her arm playfully before I find myself being pulled out of the school again.

"I believe it's a suitable time to retire for the night, no?" She asks as she guides me towards our carriage which is further away from any of the girls making me laugh as I follow her happily only to gaps when she sweeps me up into her arms. "You have no reason to feel threatened by that man, he is not the one holds my affection and you know it."

"I know but as I pointed out to Minerva, you would feel the exact same if someone did the same with me. You have felt like that or are you forgetting the Appoline DeLacour incident?" I ask her as she carries me into the carriage and bite back a squeal when she throws me onto the bed, kicking the door shut and warding it to allow us to know if anything happens to one of the girls. Leaning up on my elbows I meet her in a soft kiss as she lowers me back onto the bed after removing my outer robe making me smile against her lips as I push her outer robes off as well.

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