Rita Skeeter x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Sitting at my desk writing up the newest article I look up confused when I hear someone clearing their throat and roll my eyes when I see Rita standing there with a smirk. Leaning back in my seat I gasp when she sits in my lap and rests her head on my shoulder but hold her close to me all the same. My relationship with Rita is a weird one, we've not been together since our last year of Hogwarts but whenever she's feeling overwhelmed with something or isn't feeling particularly well I find myself with a lap full of the blonde woman. "What's happened this time Rita?" I ask as I put my quill down while stroking her hip lightly making her sigh in contentment.

"I'm being sent to Hogwarts to cover the TriWizard Tournament, I don't want to go back there." She whispers making me sigh as I kiss the top of her head making her look up at me with sad eyes. "Switch assignments with me? You go back to Hogwarts while I stay here and do yours."

"We both know that we can't do that and besides this is a big event and only the best reporters are asked to cover it. This is amazing for you and your career and you know that." I tell her softly and she shakes her head at me while her hand rests on my shoulder, bunching the shoulder of my shirt slightly. "Rita I know that Hogwarts has bad memories for you but maybe this is your chance to move on from what happened. Maybe going back and being in the place where things changed will help you close that chapter of your life."

"How do I move on form my parents being killed and my girlfriend of two years leaving me by going back to the one place I hate?" She asks and I wince at that as I tighten my hold on her slightly making the hand on my shoulder come up to rest on my cheek lightly. "I do understand why you broke up with me y/n and I'm sorry for ever treating you the way that I did. All you were trying to do was comfort me and I lashed out at you which wasn't fair in the slightest." She says quietly and I nod in understanding with a small smile because I always understood why she lashed out the way she did. She was grieving the loss of her parents on top of stressing over her NEWTs at the same time which had led to her accidentally cursing me and landing me in the hospital wing.

"Rita, sweetheart, I never blamed you for what happened. I know that you didn't mean to hurt me and technically we never actually broke up. You avoided me after I got out of the hospital wing until we graduated and then I never saw you again until I started here." I tell her and she ducks her head slightly at that making me tilt her head up to look at her properly. "You know that I'm always going to be here for you right? Whether we're together or not I will always be here and I will always do whatever I can to help you, if that means I end up on the receiving end of a curse or two." I say as I stroke her cheek and she nods with a smile as she rests her head against mine with her eyes shut.

"I really need to go back don't I?" She asks quietly and I nod softly without moving away from her making her look up at me with sad eyes. "Come with me? Please y/n, I know that you still have work to do but I can't go back there alone." She pleads and I look at her for a moment before nodding making her sink into me more.

"Of course I will Rita." I say softly as I kiss the top of her hair again and meet our bosses eyes over her head making him smile at us while nodding in understanding. "Right, it's getting late so how about we go back to mine and I'll make us some dinner. Then you can tell me exactly what the TriWizard Tournament even is because I never took much notice in the sporting world." I tell her as I pack up my desk with a flick of my wand and she nods as she slowly gets up, holding her hand out to me which I take with a smile. Letting her drag me away from our department I laugh when she almost throws me into the floo before we stumble out the other end in my little cottage making me hold onto her tightly to stop the clumsy witch from falling and pulling me down with her.


Sitting in the rooms Albus had given me and Rita I finish up the article I was writing before everything happened with Rita I get up from the seat and leave the rooms to make my way to the owlery to send it off to the ministry. Tying the envelope onto the owls leg I watch her fly away before leaning against the railing just looking out over the view making someone laugh before arms wrap around my waist and a chin rests on my shoulder. "This always was your hiding place y/n." Rita says and I turn my head to look at her with a smile making her grin at me as she presses against me slightly more. "Did you finally get your article finished?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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