Mum!Sybil Trelawney x Reader

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A/n: I've shifted the events slightly so Albus is already away from Hogwarts when Umbridge tries to remove Trelawney from the grounds of Hogwarts.

Y/n's POV

Standing in the courtyard watching Professor Umbridge try to remove mum from the castle I move over to mum's side and rest my hand on her arm as she cries and glare at the loathesome pink toad. She may very well have the power to fire mum but she has no power to banish her from the grounds! That's the headmaster's job and while Professor Dumbledore is headmaster whether he be here or now I know that mum's place here is secure.

"Miss Trelawney, unless you wish to join your mother in leaving these premises I suggest you go back over to your peers." Professor Umbridge says with that sickly sweet voice and I feel mum try to push me over to my other classmates but I stand my ground making the pink toad glare at me. "Now Miss Trelawney."

"I'm fine where I am thank you ma'am. If my mum gets forced off the grounds then I go with her and then you'll have broken not only the Ministry rules but Hogwarts ones as well." I tell her with a firm tone as mum grips my arm tightly but before the bitch can say anything else Professor McGonagall comes rushing over to us with a glare which holds almost all of her anger. Feeling mum's hand slide down my arm to take my hand I squeeze her hand tightly to reassure her that we weren't going anywhere and feel her relax slightly beside me but she doesn't stop crying. "It's going to be alright mum, I promise. Minerva won't let anything happen to either of us and neither will Albus, this is our home." I say just loud enough for her to hear and she squeezes my hand tightly in return.

"Y/n, take your mum back up to your quarters and I'll be up soon to ensure everything is settled." Minerva says and I'm glad that the anger in her voice isn't directed at me. Damn the woman's terrifying when she wants to be.

"Of course Professor." I say as I cast a silent spell to have mum's back float behing me before guiding mum back inside with a glare aimed at those that mutter under their breaths. Nodding to the students that move aside to let us in I guide mum back up to our quarters and send her bags back into her room while sitting down with her. Feeling her hug me tight to her as she slowly calms down I rest my head on her shoulder with a frown as I silently plot to murder the pink toad.

"No murder plans misses." Mum says after a while of just sitting in silence and I look up at her with an innocent smile making her laugh as she pushes my hair behind my ear. Pulling me tighter into her side I smile as I feel her body relax fully and find myself relaxing as much as I can beside her but it's hard to relax fully. "I know you y/n Trelawney, no trying to kill her and no asking Fred or George Weasley for help pranking her."

"I would never mum, honestly! I'm shocked you think so lowly of me." I say with exaggerated innocence and am flooded with relief when I see a spark of my mum come back into her eyes but there's still a note of panic and fear in them. "How about I make you a cup of tea with a calming draught in it mum? Help you calm down completely." I ask her and she nods as she slowly lets go of me and I move over to the small kitchen to make the tea. Walking back over to her I kiss her cheek as I sit down and hand her the cup making her smile at me as she sips from it.

"Do you ever hate the fact that you're always here?" She asks me quietly and I look at her confused making her sigh. "This whole ordeal of being fired and almost removed from the grounds has made me think about things more clearly. It wasn't until I was being forced to leave that I realised how reliant I have been, we've both been on the castle being our home. I realised that I don't have anywhere outside of Hogwarts that I've ever called home after your grandparents died and I certainly can't go cap in hand to your father." She says and I shake my head at her as I silently summon my schoolbag from the dorms making her roll my eyes. I'm not technically supposed to do magic in our quarters, I had promised mum that I wouldn't but I refuse to leave her alone just now.

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