Andromeda Black x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Laying on the ground panting after being tortured by Rabastan I try to get up but my whole body screams in protest making me fall back onto the hard stone. Feeling warmth on my abdomen I weakly bring my hand up to see blood coating it making me gulp, damn this war. Feeling my eyes grow heavy I'm snapped out of my pained thoughts when someone kneels beside me with a gasp. "Merlin! Y/n, who did this to you?" Bella asks as she strokes my hair out if my face before starting to heal my abdomen with very little luck which would make me laugh under different circumstances because the woman has never been good at healing. Now, however, my whole body is killing me and I feel like I'm about to pass out "Dammit this isn't something I can do. Narcissa! Narcissa get over here and help me! It's y/n!" She shouts and I'm suddenly surrounded by all three Black sisters.

"What happened?" Narcissa asks as she heals me and Andromeda pulls my head to rest in her lap with wide, fearful eyes. "Talk to us y/n, who did this?" She pleads and I try to talk but my voice is hoarse from screaming so I look at Bella pointedly making her shake her head.

"No! I swear it wasn't me!" She says quickly when her sisters glare at her and I weakly reach out to her and touch her wedding ring making her gasp. "I'll kill him! I'll bloody murder him for daring to hurt you!" She hisses and I shake my head before a vial is being pressed against my lips. Pressing then together in refusal I hear all three women sigh before Narcissa cups my cheek.

"It's just a pain potion, I promise. It'll help with the pain and hopefully with your throat as well." She says and I eye her warily before letting her tip the contents into my mouth. Feeling the effects kick in I relax slightly before the three women help me stand up. "Okay, you're coming back to the manor with us and we can heal anything else there."

"I can't, Andromeda you know that I can't." I say quickly and Andromeda makes me look at her while pushing my dirt covered hair out of my face with a soft smile. "Andi, you know that I need to get home. I've already been away from her for far too long and-"

"Go with Cissa and Bella, I'll bring her to the manor. No harm will come to her you have my word." She says as she cups my cheek lightly, being careful of the small scratches scattered beneath her hand and I look at her with wide eyes. "She knows me and so does your mum, I'll explain what's happened and bring your little girl to you. I'll be there with her before you know it."

"Not a single hair on her tiny head is to be out of place and I swear to Merlin and Morgana if I find out you flew with my baby-" I tell her with a glare and she raises her hands with a gulp making me chuckle. "You're very lucky I trust you Andromeda Black but there will be hell to pay if my daughter gets hurt in any way whatsoever."

"There won't be a single hair out of place and I've already apologised multiple times for flying with her!" She says with a groan as she strokes my side softly and I lean into her with a small smile making her relax slightly. "Go to the manor and get healed up while I go get your little girl." She adds as she leans her head against mine and I nod as I allow the two women to drag me away before we apparate to Malfoy manor.

"You have a daughter?" Bella asks shocked as they help me sit down with a slight groan and I smile at her.

"I do, she's four now and Merlin is she a handful sometimes. Reminds me way too much of us when we were kids, heaven knows she's got Cissa's smarts and your energy levels. Not to mention Andi's caring nature." I say and they both look at me shocked making me chuckle slightly only to groan in pain as my ribs ache. "Don't look at me like that, you two made lives for yourself after Hogwarts and I made one for myself."

"No, I get that but you're more worried about your daughter than your husband. I understand it but it's like you don't even care about your husband." Narcissa says and I shake my head at that because I really couldn't care what happened to the spineless twat that had used potions to keep me under his control.

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