Narcissa Black x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Watching Narcissa fall for this young witches charms and her veela allure I find it very hard not to snap at the whole thing. I had rather reluctantly agreed to let Fleur stay here for a few weeks while Appoline had to go away for work but now I'm regretting that decision because while I know my wife is loyal and would never hurt me like that the sixteen year old veela doesn't quite know how to control her allure. She also has no idea how to hide her blatant attraction to Narcissa which while slightly funny is now getting on my nerves. "You're going to kill someone with that glare at this rate y/n." Bella says as she sits next to me and I look at her for a moment before looking back at my wife and Fleur making her sigh. "Is she seriously still completely oblivious as to what's going on?" She asks as she leans her head on my shoulder and I nod with a sigh as I absently play with her hair making her chuckle as she curls into my side like she used to in our Hogwarts days.

"I think completely oblivious is a bit of an understatement, Bella. It's like she completely forgets that I'm here and I can't even blame her, it's the stupid veela allure which is doing it and it's only because of that that I haven't killed the little bitch yet." I tell my best friend and sister-in-law and she chuckles as she shifts closer to me making me look down at her with a sigh. "Fighting with Rod again?" I ask and she nods with a pout making me chuckle this time because she's only ever clingy like this when things are rough between them. "What's happened this time?"

"Oh the usual. I found him in bed with some slut and he tried to work his way around it by saying that it was my fault for not paying him enough attention. Needless to say I've contacted the ministry and he shall be served with divorce papers tomorrow at his office." She says and I kiss the top of her head. "It's fine. Long overdue even. I never wanted to marry him in the first place so... it's fine."

"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt Bella. You two have been married for a long time and I know that you might never have loved him and married him to keep your mum happy but you're allowed to be upset that it's over." I tell her and she nods as she tightens her hold on me slightly making me look over at Narcissa who seems to have noticed us and comes over looking worried. "Finally remember you have a wife and sister did you?" I ask her snarkily making her groan while Bella laughs as she sits up slightly before Narcissa sits in my lap, leaning into me as she wraps my arms around her which effectively pulls Bella back into my side.

"Okay so you might be right about her using her allure on me and the fact she has a crush on me." She mutters as she presses as close to me as she can making me tilt her head so that I can kiss her making her tighten her grip on me even more. "Anyway what's happening here? I hope you aren't trying to steal my wife again Bella." She asks the eldest sister who shakes her head with a chuckle as she gets comfy in my side again with Narcissa's fingers playing with her hair.

"I was just telling y/n that I found Rod in bed with some slut, he blamed me and I'm having him served with divorce papers at work tomorrow." Bella explains making Narcissa look at me with wide eyes and I simply nod in return. "You know I never wanted to marry him, I did it to keep mum happy and stop her from going after Andi but this hurts. Like it really hurts and I don't know why. It's not like I live the man or even actually like him."

"Maybe it's exactly that though Bella. Maybe it's because you sacrificed your entire life for me and Andi and now that you're leaving him you're hurting for who you could have been. Andi never knew how much you did for us when we were kids but I know that you protected us from a lot which meant that you got punished for us." Narcissa says as she leans down to kiss the top of the mass of black curls and Bella nods against my shoulder making me and Narcissa share a look. "How about we go have dinner and then you can stay with me and y/n tonight?"

"Are you sure Miss Delacour can spare you for that long?" Bella asks and I bury my face in Narcissa's shoulder to hide my laughter while my wife scowls at her sister. "Well it's a logical enough question with how you've been falling for her allure despite the fact that your wife is a veela who also happens to be your mate."

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