Poppy Pomfrey x Reader

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A/N: This is part 2 to the Minerva MgGonagall imagine.

Y/n's POV

It's been a year since the last time I actually talked to Minerva about anything other than students and I had given up, there was no point trying to say anything to the stubborn witch. Like I told Albus I had gone and met Gellert and had ended up dragging the man back to the castle and up to my brothers office, forcing them to talk which turned out to be for the best because they finally admitted how they felt towards each other. Outside of my classes I had spent more and more time with Poppy until she suddenly started making excuses about why she couldn't see me outside of meals which while it hurt I brushed off because it's exactly what Minerva had done as well.

Sighing to myself as the warning bell for classes goes I watch as my students filter in and sit in their assigned seats. "Okay class today we are learning about pixies. Now can someone tell me what they already know about them?" I ask and miss Grangers hand shoots up in the air nearly making me groan. "Anyone other than miss Granger?" I ask which makes some of the class snigger before a timid hand is raised from a boy in the back of the class. Before I can even look at the boy properly miss Granger has opened her mouth.

"Pixies are tiny elflike spirit or mischievous fairy dressed in green who dances in the moonlight to the music of frogs and crickets." She spouts and I glare at her.

"Did I call on you miss Granger? Did I ask you to tell me or was I going to ask the young man in the back since he also raised his hand?" I ask her and she just smirks at me. Pinching the bridge of my nose I exhale slowly. "Miss Granger wipe that smug look off of your face, I am not any of your other professors who tolerate such behaviour. In my class you will speak when spoken to and answer when asked a question. That goes for all of you! After being in my class for two years now I thought you would all know better!" I admonish the class and they all nod quietly before we carried on with the lesson until the bell goes. Dismissing them I watch them leave until the classroom is empty before sending a spell towards the door to lock it and slipping into my office hoping for peace and quiet only to find Gellert sat at my desk. Walking round my desk to flop into my chair I lean back and close my eyes.

"Was class really that bad?" He asks from across the desk and I nod without opening my eyes.

"Granger is doing my head in! I mean how hard is it for her to keep her damn mouth shut and let other people answer bloody questions? I don't know why Albus is so fond of her!" I groan and before I know it my desk chair has been transfigured onto a sofa and Gellert is pulling me into his side massaging my neck. "God Gellert I can't keep doing this. Maybe it's time I leave the castle and figure out where I go from there." I mutter into his shoulder as I relax into him.

"This is about more than just the classes isn't it?" He asks and I sigh.

"There's a couple of other factors but honestly I've been teaching for so long that I've forgot how to do anything else. I had so many plans Gellert and I'm not sure how I ended up so miserable." I tell him honestly. "I need to do something else, anything else. I feel like a caged animal and I need to escape."

"Then do it, it's almost the end of the year. Talk to Albus and tell him how you feel, he's going to understand sweetheart and with everything that's gone on I think you deserve the holiday of a lifetime." He says softly into my hair and holds me tighter to him.

"I don't want to disappoint him. He's my twin brother and I love him but I need to do this for myself." I whisper tiredly and almost scream when the sofa behind me sinks.

"You will never disappoint me y/n." Albus says as he takes my hand gently. "Why didn't you talk to me about how you feel?" He asks and I reluctantly pull away from Gellert to look at him.

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