Mum!Petunia Dursley x Reader

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This is shit but I've always wondered if it could have been Petunia that blew Marge up because she was just as angry about what was being said about Lily. This is just my take on how maybe her jealousy made her blind to things about herself and how she could be a squib instead of a full witch.

Y/n's POV

Watching both Harry's and mum's eye twitch as aunt Marge talks about aunt Lily I can feel magic tingling in the air and quickly but politely turn the topic off of Harry's parents which earns me a glare from dad, a thankful smile from Harry, a gentle hand squeeze from mum under the table and a confused look from Dudley. Listening to the disgusting woman condescendingly tell me about how lucky I am to have such amazing and generous parents seeing as they were paying for me to go to a prestigious school during the school year I have to bite my tongue hard to stop myself from laughing at that. Thankfully it comes time for her to leave and dad guides her out to his car with a glare aimed at Harry for no reason and I quickly gather up the plates to help Harry clean up. "Thank you for distracting her from the topic of mum and dad, if she had said one more thing I'm not sure if it would have been me or aunt Petunia that lashed out." Harry says quietly as we take our places at the sink and I just hum in return as I ponder the magic I had felt before. It wasn't Harry's magic, I had been around him enough at school to know that it wasn't his which means that it had to have been mum but that's not possible. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine Harry. Just a little tired, let's get this done and then I'll go lay down for a bit." I tell him and he nods as we quickly get to washing and drying the dishes. Washing the last dish I pass it to Harry and quickly dry my hands before heading up to my room after kissing Harry's cheek and ruffling his hair. Sitting on my bed I run my hand through my hair with a frustrated groan as I try to figure out what the hell is going on. The only person that it could have been was mum but mum has never shown any sign of magic before, hell she hates absolutely anything that involves magic and that includes me and Harry. If she's never shown any sign of having magic how can anyone explain what I felt downstairs?

"Can I come in?" Mum asks from the door and I look over at her confused before nodding. "What's going on in that mind of yours darling?" She asks gently as she sits next to me on the bed and I shake my head because I feel like I'm living in a dream right now.

"I know that you'll probably shut me down when I ask this mum but have you ever noticed weird things happen when you get angry?" I ask her quietly and she looks at me confused. "Mum I only cut in when I did with Marge because there was magic in the air, angry magic that most certainly wasn't Harry's. You and him were the only two that were angry so unless you're hiding another witch or wizard in the house it had to have been yours."

"Don't be so utterly ridiculous! I'm not a freak like-" She snaps and I flinch violently at that making her stop. Standing up from the bed I move over to the window to look outside as I wrap my arms around myself with a sigh. "Y/n, I-"

"Forget it mum, I'm fine." I tell her without turning around and hear my door close only a matter of minutes later. Reaching up to wipe away my tears I don't know why it continues to hurt even though I know perfectly well where she stands on me being a witch. I was just as much of a freak as my aunt was and while mum still acted like my mum a lot of our relationship had vanished after I got my letter. We used to do so much together and I wish more than anything that I could have that relationship back with her but I would never give up my magic to do so. Hearing dad come back in I know that he'll be up soon to give me in trouble for interrupting and quickly try to make it look like I hadn't been crying as the door opens behind me but I know that it's probably no use. "I'm sorry." I say quietly and hear a sigh as the door closes again.

"Why did you do it? You know better than that." Dad says and I turn to look at him with a small smile. "I don't agree with anything she said but you know it's better not to interrupt her y/n."

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