Pining Nagito ❤💔??

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(comic is by 5up3r-nh on tumblr)

The library. A place where people would normally come to have some peace. And here Nagito was, a huge mess, all because of an unexpected visitor.

Glancing over the top of his book, he sees Hajime, who is currently across from him paying attention to his own book. 

Lately, Nagito has been noticing more and more small details about his friend. Like how he can always faintly smell lemon when he walks just a little too close to him. He finds himself daydreaming about holding his hand far too often after their hands brush together.

He's taken notice of how Hajime has gained some freckles since they got out of the simulation. Oftentimes, he finds himself getting distracted by the color of Hajime's eyes. A beautiful greenish-brown color, reminding him of nature. 

The other boy is much more muscular than himself, not beefy by any means but still toned. 

Nagito frequently catches himself daydreaming about what it would be like to kiss Hajime. He feels guilty about it, but it's not like its something that can be helped. Love does silly things to a person.

Finally admitting to himself that he is in love with his best friend is only the first step. It is much harder to actually build up the courage to tell him. 

His smile is enough to brighten his day. Just being friends with Hajime is far more than enough. As long as Hajime is happy, than everything will be okay. 

As long as Hajime is happy, he can pretend that his guilt isn't eating him up inside.

(259 words) (Hey y'all sorry I didn't update for 2 months. I was having a very long mental illness increase. Anyway, my doctor says I'm fine.)

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