School Dance ❤

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(Art is by chubides on tumblr!!)(This one is a non despair au and they are already dating!! Annoying younger twin Izuru makes an appearance again because its entertaining, this time I use they/them for izzy))

Hajime's POV

Slowly approaching the cafeteria, I shakily inhale, moving forward on shaking legs. I'm planning on asking my boyfriend Nagito to go to the dance with me today, but I'm just so nervous. I enter the cafeteria and make my way over to our usual table, sitting down and waiting for everybody else to get here. I stare at the door, tapping impatiently on the table. While I'm distracted, Kazuichi sits down at the table next to me and flicks me on the forehead. I rub my forehead and glare at him.

Kazuichi rests his arm on my shoulder. "So, what are you waiting for? You've been staring off into the distance for a while now." Right as he say that, Nagito finally enters the cafeteria with Peko and Fuyuhiko. I perk up as Nagito sits on my other side, Fuyuhiko and Peko across from us. "Oh, I see," Kazuichi smirks.

"What?? What do you mean?" I whisper to him, frustrated. Kazuichi just laughs and turns to talk to Fuyuhiko. I sigh, turning to Nagito. "Hey, Hajime!" He smiles at me, holding his hand out for me to hold. I blush, grabbing his hand. "Hey, Nagito. Uh. I have something that I need to ask you, after school."

He tilts his head, confused. "Ah, alright. Do you want to meet up at the gates, then?" I nod. He lays his head on my shoulder, tightening his hold on my hand. I lean down and kiss his forehead, petting his hair softly. "Dude. That's kinda cringe," Kazuichi laughs, looking at me. I smack him on the top of the head, glaring at him. Eventually, lunch comes to an end, and the rest of the day passes by slowly.

I hear the bell ring, signalling the end of the day. I hurriedly make me way out of the school, waiting by the gate for Nagito. Nagito shows up soon after me, waving as he approaches. I smile at him, as he leans against the gate to catch his breath. "Jeez. You're so unathletic, Nagito." 

Nagito pouts, crossing his arms. I chuckle, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. He blushes, quickly turning away from me. "Um. So, what was it that you wanted to ask me?" I stiffen slightly, shifting around nervously. 

"Ah, that. Do you want to maybe...go to the dance with me?" I blurt out the last part so quickly I'm not even sure if he understood me, looking anywhere but at him. He stays silent for a while, filling me with nerves.

"Of course I'll go with you, Hajime! We are dating, after all," He says, with a smile that melts away all of my worries. I sigh in relief, grabbing his hand. We walk hand in hand until we need to go our separate ways home.

-Timeskip to the night of the dance-

I walk up the steps to Nagito's house, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. I'm wearing the nicest suit I have, which to be fair isn't as nice as it could be considering I don't dress fancy very often. I'm wearing a plain black suit with a black tie. I wish I could have gotten something better, but I don't exactly have the money.

The door opens, breaking my train of thought. I look to the door, seeing Nagito's maid, Machi. Machi is an older lady with strawberry blond hair. She straightens up when she sees me, holding the door open wider. "Ah, it's just you, Hajime. Come inside, Nagito will be down soon." I walk inside the room and she closes the door behind me.

As soon as I get inside, Nagito comes downstairs. My face flushes when I see him, stunned at his beauty. He's wearing a white suit with a black bowtie, and his hair is tied into a ponytail with star hair clips holding back has bangs. He notices me staring and smiles, making his way over to me. "Hajime, you're here! Are you ready to go?" I clear my throat and nod, holding out my hand for him to take it.

I lead him outside to my car, holding open the passenger side door for him. I get in the car after him, and drive us to Hopes Peak. Once we finally arrive, we get out of the car and make our way to the gym.

When we arrive at the gym, Kazuichi immediately throws his arm over my shoulder. "Hey! You guys are finally here! Come follow me, we're going to the snack table!" I sigh, knowing we don't have much of a choice. I tighten my grip on Nagito's hand, and we follow Kazuichi over to the table. Near the table is Fuyuhiko and Peko, who are engaged in a conversation and don't seem to notice us just yet.

"Hello Fuyuhiko and Peko! Wonderful night, isn't it?" Nagito says, right as we finally get to the table. Fuyuhiko turns to look at us, nodding. Nagito links his arm around mine, leaning against me. They continue their conversation for a while, until Izuru comes over to us.

"Hajime. I did not know you were coming, why didn't you tell me?" Their face stays as neutral as ever, but I could tell they were only pretending to be upset at me. I groan, rolling my eyes. "I didn't think I had to tell you, Izuru."

Nagito giggles from beside me. Izuru stares for a while, before responding. "Right. I should have just assumed you were going to bring your boyfriend." I can hear a playful tone in their monotone voice as they say it. My face flushes, and I turn away pouting. Nagito lifts his hand up and pets my hair, softly laughing. 

The tone of the room suddenly changes, as a slow song turns on. Fuyuhiko drags Peko out in the center of the room, starting to dance with her. I pull Nagito over with me, moving his arms to be placed around my neck. " with me?" I mumble, face red. He nods and smiles in response. I grab his hand with one hand, moving my free hand around his waist.

We dance together, feeling like we are the only ones in the room. I rest my forehead against his, softly smiling to myself. He moves his head, making it so that our noses are touching. For a while, we stand there, just looking into eachothers eyes. I decide to close the distance between us, pulling him into a kiss. We pull away, smiling at each other in an unspoken gesture of love.

(1089 words)(ughvhbd,,, I love they. Next chapter is going to be kamukoma heehee)

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