1. That Night

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(2574 words) A/N This chapter has heavy mention of suicide and attempted suicide, do not read if you can not handle it.

(This happens two months after the first chapter leaving the month to be November


It was the perfect day. The sun never once hid behind the clouds and the breeze was light enough to move only a few pieces of hair from the towns peoples heads. No one could complain that day. There was no school, no work. Kids were playing outside and laughter filled the air. If there was something wrong, it could be fixed within a couple of minutes.

Except for if you were Jamison.

Jamison was the towns 'weird kid' but he was also the towns 'pretty boy', ironic how it worked really. All the girls adored him and all the boys envied him, but neither would get close enough to him to show it. They truly did want to be with him, talk to him, be friends, but he was never approachable, so they stayed away. No one wanted to talk to someone who wouldn't respond or be around someone who didn't smile, at least, not in this town they didn't. So, he stayed to himself and tried not to bother anyone, only they bothered him instead.

It was a constant thing in his school for people to bully him. Push him around and just make sure he didn't have a good day, but they didn't have too. His parents were enough to make him not have a good life.

If it was a good day, he could leave the house feeling like he can handle the bullies he called classmates, if it was a bad one, he broke down in the school's bathroom after five minutes of being there. He was used to it though, the back and forth from school and home, he gave up trying to stay with it.

So, he found a spot.

When the town was asleep he would sneak out of his house and head to a cliff. It was in-between his town and the neighboring one, no one ever went there and there were no city lights to light the way, it was just him, the cliff, and the darkness of the night. It was his quiet spot, his safe space. No one could bother him when he went up the cliff at eleven in the evening, no one was awake to.

He has been going there for years, just trying to find an escape from everything, and tonight, tonight was going to be his last escape. He was going to end his life at his safe place, because he couldn't take it any longer.

He tried, he tried so hard to fight off the thoughts that told him to just give up. The thoughts that told him he wasn't worth the air he breathed or the clothes he wore, he wasn't worth supporting. He tried to ignore his father's and mother's words, the things the kids at school did to him and the things he did to himself, but he couldn't do it anymore.

He really didn't want to end his life, that was the last thing he had on his tiny bucket list, he just wanted to live. He wanted to get out of his town and start a new life. He wanted to have a significant other that would enjoy traveling and doing random things. And he wanted to have two kids who he would give his heart and soul to, kids that he would teach to respect others and make sure everyone they met felt special, that was what he truly wanted for his life.

But he was done.

He only had a few more months before he could leave everything behind but he was done, he physically couldn't do it anymore. His father was becoming more abusive and his mother was becoming more manipulative. The kids at school have started to attack him in the halls instead of in the bathrooms and the teachers didn't even seem to care, so he was done.

Now, it was one in the morning, or somewhere around there, and he was at the edge of the cliff. His phone was playing soft music as the wind blew his hair, making him huff for the third time and putting it up in a messy bun. His hair was around shoulders length so it was easy, though his baby hairs were a nuisance. His parents never really liked his hair and that was the main reason he let it grow so long, just to have a little control over his life.

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