8. Card Game

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(1900 words) Warning: Suicide talk, thoughts of suicide, DID (dissociative identity disorder) and abuse/bullying will be in this chapter, don't read if you can't handle, thank you.  


The night was colder than usual but Jamison still found it to be perfect, especially because he didn't see Nerdy boy waiting for him. He enjoyed Nerdy boy's company sure, but that didn't mean he could always handle the boy's bubbly personality or how energetic he was. Tonight, if he were being honest with himself, was more of a night he would spend with Mystery boy.

He wanted calmness and silence, the blood dripping from his eyebrow was aggravating enough as it was and he didn't think he could handle the energy Nerdy boy gives off. He had a great deal to tell the stars, but for now he sat at the edge of the cliff and looked off into the night sky, noting how there are less stars out tonight than the last.

He wiped the blood away from his eye, licked his lip, and felt the wind brush past him for the fifteenth time. He had been counting, it was keeping him occupied.

He coughed, spit his mucus and blood-mixed spittle off the cliff and tried to follow it down with his eyes. He lost sight of it before it reached half-way but kept his eyes there, "I found dad this morning. He was passed out on the couch wile a naked woman looked around our home, she was either looking for her clothes or trying to steal something, I kicked her out before I could tell." Jamison looked at the stars, then back at the city below.

His heart felt heavy and disgust was also laced somewhere in there, he hated his dad for doing that and was sure it wouldn't be the last time it happened. "At school a few of the soccer players decided to use me as their personal ball, the teacher didn't even bat and eye at them and started class as soon as she came into the classroom, this was just in first period. Durning lunch some guy punched me in the jaw, I thought it was broken for second.

"I got pushed down the stairs, almost twisted my ankle, and then got in trouble for knocking into a glass and breaking it. it wasn't even my fault it happened." He sniffled, wiped his face ferociously and then continued, "I walked to work with a limp but by time I got there it went away, at least I was numb from the pain. People questioned me but I just made a bullshit story and that stopped them from talking, the same happened at my other two jobs."

He looked up into the sky and another breeze passed him, cooling his cheeks from the hot tears that slowly fell down. He felt like everyone was against him. He couldn't get a break at home, at school, and barely got one at work. If it wasn't his boss asking questions it was his co-workers, if it wasn't his co-workers it was the customers.

He thought they just wanted to tease him by asking the questions, in reality they were all genuinely worried. He thought they weren't because he was used to people not caring about him, and even though it was only a short distance away from his town, this town had much nicer people.

He could sense that, but he couldn't believe it, it was too good to be true.

"On my way here, after I stopped by the house to drop off my bag, some guy from my school punched me. He had a ring on and it cut my eyebrow open a bit, he laughed and I carried on my way." He sniffled, looked past his small town and into the darkness behind it, and then let out a chocked sob, "why won't they leave me alone?"

Silence. He knew he would be met with silence, he was expecting to be, he was alone after all, and yet that didn't comfort him like before. He didn't know if it was because he was now used to Mystery boy and Nerdy boy or if he was so far gone that nothing was comforting to him anymore, but he wanted it to stop.

He took out his phone, picked a random playlist, and put the volume so low he could hardly hear it. It was just used as a filler as he stared into the dark-blue abyss we call the sky. His tears were hot and yet the wind that passed him every few minutes made it seem as though it was freezing outside, he didn't care to wipe them away. His body was tired, his mind was exhausted, and he really wanted to sleep.

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