2. So close

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(2136 words) Please know there are heavy mentions of suicide and even attempted death, if you can't handle it, don't read. Please enjoy.


It was the perfect time. The wind blew harshly and the rain poured down like it was being dumped out of buckets. Jamison was at the edge of the cliff like he was the other night, this time no music, seeing as his phone wasn't water proof. If he died it wouldn't make a difference but if his phone stopped working beforehand, he would get frustrated, so he kept it in his pocket, the lock already off.

He was happy that his prayers were answered and the Mystery boy wasn't here, not like many sane people would be out in this type of weather.

He stared off into the distance, the rain soaking through his clothes as he decided that for the last time in his life, he would let the stars hold the power of knowing what his day was like. "Dad lost his job." He said to the sky, the rain muffling his voice so that even the night had a hard time hearing him. "He came home completely wasted and decided to use me as his personal dart board, mom locked herself in her room so she wouldn't see."

He looked down from the cliff's edge, seeing the ground he would hopefully smash his head against wet with rain. "After I stopped my bleeding from dad's attacks, she came out of the room, already blaming me for it happening. And guess what, she had the audacity to hug me afterwards, telling me everything was going to be okay." He was crying, you wouldn't know from the rain except for the fact he would choke up every so often.

But even so, he wanted the stars to know of his whole day, so he went back to before his dad came home, back to school for the day. "I got jumped by seven people today, a new record." He laughed dryly, knowing there was no amusement to be had. "This random girl gave me a fake confession, her friends laughed at me even though I didn't even give a fucking reaction. Then Brandy decided it was his duty to make sure I cough out blood, so the inside of my mouth is fucked up from that.

"One of the guys that jumped me had a ring on, dad wasn't happy when he saw that, telling me I should learn how to stand up for myself." Jamison was so keen on telling the stars about his day that he forgot how close he was to the edge, his feet coming closer and closer to nothing. "Sometimes I just want to give him a good punch, you know? Mom wouldn't be happy."

He finally looked down, seeing that if he continued on with even three more words, he would have fallen off, something he wanted to be completely aware of as it was happening. He was glad he stopped himself. "They'll both be happy when I'm gone, so I guess I should make them proud." And just like that, he spread his arms wide open, a strong gust of wind hitting him hard but his body weight easily overpowered it.

This was it, the thing he has been wanting to do for ages, so why didn't this feel freeing? The answer was simple really, because he wasn't falling. Someone or something had grabbed onto the back of his shirt, leaving him balanced on the edge of the cliff, his hair falling down the sides of his face as water continued to pour.

He didn't know how this was possible. It was one in the morning, or something close to it, so everyone should be in their homes. It was also pouring down rain, something he figured would keep anyone inside. But he was proven wrong when the someone that caught him started to pull him back onto the safety of the cliff, one last tug making him fall onto the ground landing on his back.

He wasn't that surprised to see the Mystery boy standing over him, the taller's own shorter hair causing small droplets to fall onto Jamison's face, but he was unbothered by it. "I thought you said I could watch?"

Jamison laid there, thinking. The mystery boy shouldn't have been there, the night was perfect, the weather made it even better, but he was still here. Why? There was no point, no reason for him to be here. It's not like he knew Jamison and Jamison himself doubted the Mystery boy showed up here twice by coincidence, it just seemed too perfect of timing.

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