6. Finally back

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(2257 words) Warning: Mentions of abuse, manipulation, suicide jokes and suicide. If anything disturbs you or makes you uncomfortable, please don't continue to read, thank you and have a nice reading.


It had been a week since Jamison went to the cliff, and right now was the perfect time for him. His hair was down and blowing in the wind, yet some still stuck to the skin of his neck and face due to the rain that poured down on him. It had been raining almost all week and this was the only time he thought it was perfect. When he was standing at the edge of the cliff.

He had not been able to come to the cliff since he started looking for jobs. Once his mom left his dad crashed, hard. He had to stay on his schoolwork and find a job, both left him exhausted. It would have been easier if he could have just gone to the cliff and jumped as soon as he made it to the edge, but then the stars wouldn't get to hear about his shitty day. So, to stop himself from jumping, he chose not to come at all.

Though he was definitely having withdrawals.

His mind drifted to seeing his body at the bottom of the cliff while he was in school, and at home it shifted to the boy that always showed up at the wrong time. He didn't know why he couldn't get the Mystery boy out of his head, or the Nerdy boy, but he did want it to stop. It distracted him from the beatings his dad gave him and kept his mind occupied while searching for a job, Jamison was starting to think he was obsessed with the two boys, and maybe he was.

Either way, it was currently somewhere around one in the morning and Jamison had yet to tell the stars about his day. Actually, he would have to tell them about his week, "I missed first period Monday, because I was sleeping in that guy's truck. Once I woke up for the second time I left before he could wake up, just like the first time he was sleeping." He shook his head, his voice muffled from the rain but the stars heard his words clearly, they always heard him clearly, "I left school with a bruise on my left cheek and a handprint on the other, apparently picking up a pencil you dropped means you looked up a girls skirt." He laughed dryly, then shifted his gaze to the town below.

He sniffled a bit and wondered if it was because of hidden tears or if he was getting sick, he preferred the latter. Though he didn't let the sniffles stop him from continuing, "when mom found out she was livid, yelling about me doing drugs instead of learning. I just wondered where she got drugs from. It didn't matter though because dad heard her yelling and threw a bottle my way, MY way. That led him to using me as his personal pin board.

"I'm surprised I didn't have to go to the hospital."

He looked back into the sky when thunder sounded, the rain seemed to get heavier but that could have been his imagination. He did know for a fact though, that the stars were glowing brighter. Listening more intensely than they have ever listened, telling him he was being heard, he was being understood.

He moved his gaze to pass just over the top of his town, looking into the darkness that hid behind it, "tuesday mom allowed me to have the breakfast she made dad, because he was passed out on the couch. I think she was being nicer because she was leaving the next day, but I decided not to question it. At school we had a test, but I missed it because I was trapped in the bathroom, with blood dripping onto my clothes. It was my favorite shirt," he looked down to the bottom of the cliff and that was when the tears started to fall.

He didn't know why he was crying, he felt it was unnecessary for him to cry, yet the tears still fell softly out of his eyes and onto the ground, blending in with the rain that continued to pour. "When I was freed it was the end of the day, so I decided to just go job hunting instead of back home, because I knew mom would be yelling at me again... Or she would pretend to care about my cuts, I wasn't sure."

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