Info Chapter

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Hello reader! I am glad you decided to click on this 'book' but please know that there will be heavy mentions of suicide. This 'book' will also mention abuse and manipulation, as well as bullying. Self-harm and other self-destructive acts will also be in this 'book'. If anything, I have said thus far is not appealing to you, don't read.

Please know that these chapters will be short, around 1,000 (One-thousand) to 3,000 (Three-thousand)  words short. The chapters should not pass the 4,000 (Four-thousand) word mark.

If you are of the few that can stomach that, please continue reading, and enjoy.

Also, the scenery won't change, it will focus on the cliff.


The day was normal, Jamison's dad was yelling at the television and his mom was in the kitchen cutting up something, he didn't know what. It was the first day of his senior year and he was probably the least excited person in the whole town.

School for him was basically the same as him being home, only with less bloodshed, "Jamie! Get your ass over here!" His father called from his place on the couch, making the younger glance over to his mom, only to see that she was placing a pan in the oven, not even batting an eye at him.

He sighed but made his way to his father, pulling up his hoodie sleeve before standing only a few inches away. The older grabbed his son's arm roughly and brought his cigarette to the skin, promptly making a burn mark appear. Jamison didn't make a sound, knowing that if he did, he would get a beer bottle to the skull. Something he has only recently learned to avoid.

His father pushed him away and continued to watch the screen, leaving Jamison to head to the kitchen, pulling his sleeve down on the way. He wasn't going to there for food, he was going there for a drink, hopefully.

His mother was looking over a recipe of some sort, standing in front of the oven but close enough to the fridge that it made Jamison hesitate, but he continued anyway, wanting at least a cup of water before school. It was terrible for him to only hope for water, knowing that his mother was making enough food for the three of them, but that was just how his family worked.

If he asked for food his mother would tell him how that was all he used her for, food. So he learned to not ask, only receiving it if his mother was having a particularly good day. "What are you doing?" His mother asked in that innocent voice of hers, tilting her head to sell her point.

Knowing her and this question, Jamison could only assume water was not something he would be getting this morning, but he told her anyway. "I was grabbing a glass of water."

She stood straighter, taking only a few steps towards her son, her face stern. "Did I not give you water last night you ungrateful little shit," she would have screamed had it not been for her husband in the other room. "You had enough water last night to last you for days, don't take my kindness for granted."

He didn't even try to argue, he just nodded his head and made his way to the front door, grabbing his school bag. "I'm off to school!" He informed his household though he knew neither of them cared, but if he didn't tell them he would have gotten more shit than usual.

"Okay sweetie, have a nice day!" He simply rolled his eyes and shut the door, making his school day begin.

Once in the halls of his school he kept his head down and refused to talk to anyone, the burn from earlier getting aggravated from his hoodie but he didn't find it in himself to care. He was just praying that today wouldn't be a normal day for him, though that was already proven futile. The girls were whispering about his looks, both good and bad, while the guys were loudly stating their distaste.

All throughout the school day he was pushed around, blood leaving his nose and lip, a bruise already beginning to form on his cheek and his ribs. He was surprised he hasn't broken anything, but he wasn't surprised that it happened.

Because it was just another normal day. 

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