Chapter 10

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*Amelia Pov*

I woke up suddenly due to the sounds coming from somewhere, when I first opened my eyes I was confused about the surroundings. Then I remembered that I am now living in Calder's house.

 Silly me, I am totally in mood to laugh at myself but now is not the time as there are still noises coming from downstairs maybe some robbers entered the house and robbing.

 But come on who dare to rob in alpha's house of course unless it's human because they don't know about alpha and all.

I think I have to save the house now. I took a vase near me and started going downstairs. It's past midnight. Does robbers don't have any time sense they just disturbed my sleep.

What if there are more people? Can I save the house and more important question can I save myself?

I can do it. I hold my breath and by tiptoeing I went to the living room. No one is there but there is a light coming from kitchen. And where the hell is this Ryland, he is my protector right but just left me and went away idiot.

What are robbers doing in kitchen maybe they are just hungry. I nervously tiptoed towards kitchen, there is a silhouette present but I know the wonderful smell entering my nose.

Shut!! He is not a robber he is my mate.

If I didn't have smelled him I would have hit him. I totally forgot about the smell each mate get after meeting their mate for the first time. So that we can know that our mate is near us without seeing them.

 He smells like a coconut but how does I smell.

 As I forgot about that smelling thing that's why I didn't know that he was the one standing behind me near ice cream shop yesterday. Now I will never forget.

Thinking all this I didn't see that Calder turned towards me. When I saw him he is standing there with a raised eyebrow at me.

 Then I realized that I still have vase in my hand raised over to hit. I laughed nervously and put the vase on the kitchen counter.

I looked at him he turned around again and went on searching the cupboards. Trust me it is not a good search. The whole kitchen is in chaos. What is he searching?

When did he return? May be that's why Ryland is not here like he told he will be here until Calder comes home.

I asked him the obvious question, "Are you hungry?"

He turned around and nodded. Can you please talk to me I asked him in my mind. May be he got that message and said "I would have asked pack's cook, but she is not feeling well. So I am searching for any food."

If this is how he searches then I don't know what he does for destroying. I am also hungry so I said, "I will find and fix something for us. Why don't you take a seat at dining table?"

"Ok." He said and went to the chair.

Now what is there to cook? There are not many items in the kitchen to do the task. Tomorrow I need to buy some groceries. Ha!! for now of course pasta. I started cooking it; it's very easy so it didn't take much time. I took two plates and forks divided the food and placed the plate in front of him. I sat across the table and waited for him to start eating.

He looked at food and me and said "you know how to cook." Isn't it obvious by the food in front of him? I just nodded. He started eating it and me too.

We both completed ours; I took our plates for cleaning. I got a doubt and asked "Does anyone come for cleaning the house."

"Yes, weekly once." He said.

I can't let the kitchen stay like this for the whole week. I have to clean it now.

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