Chapter 13

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*Amelia Pov*

I woke up completely excited about today's run. I get to run in my wolf form after many days and I can also see my Mate's wolf form.

I went downstairs but couldn't find him anywhere. Maybe he left to do some pack work so that we will be completely free later.

I went back to my room and called Amanda to talk to her for some time. I didn't called Mom and Dad because I know I will definitely cry while talking to them. I miss them so much.

After some time I heard the knock on my door and I turned to see Calder standing there with the same stiff pose. I nodded at him and cut off the call ofcourse after hearing some teasing.

"We will go now. We will try to return before afternoon. I have some pack work to do." He said and I followed him calmly.

I think he is very busy everyday with this pack work and also to train everyone. That's why his pack is the top one comparing to others. I will get used to this eventually for sure and then everything will be fine.

I wore plain shirt and some shorts as it will be easier for the run. As for him he is wearing normal clothes. We both walked to a few distance and went behind the trees to remove the dress. I chose the tree which is far away from his so that I can be comfortable.

Shifting into my wolf I felt freedom. I always love to run around in my wolf form but because of my Father status I couldn't do that alone every time.

'What happened?' I heard Calder asking me in my mind.

'Nothing!' I replied him through my mind and came out from behind the tree.

I looked up to see a black wolf which is quite big than me and that must be because of his status. My wolf is generally bigger than the other females for the same reason. My wolf is little brown and black mix.

He nodded his head towards the further forest. I nodded and we both ran towards that direction. I don't know for how much time we kept on running but he suddenly looked at me stopping me in my steps.

'Is everything ok?' I asked him worried.

'We need to go back.' He replied and turned around.

I didn't get to question him but I followed him thinking there must be some emergency. When we reached near the trees where we left the cloths we changed and came out.

"What actually happened?" I asked him coming out and looked up to see him standing there just in his shorts and no shirt.

He fisted his hands and shook his head. I frowned going near him and held his hand only for him to flinch away. I looked at him shock and felt sadness and also angry for his behavior.

What must have happened? Did he regret accepting me as his mate? Does he want to reject me? If he does then where should I go?

"Don't think that much! I did it so that we will not do something you will regret later." He said still walking infront of me.

When we reached his house I saw Jack standing at the door and looking around bored. He felt our presence immediately and stood still in his position.

When we reached there he suddenly looked at me wide eyed and Calder growled at him. Ok I will go mad if I don't know what is happening and why these both are behaving weirdly.

 Jack looked at anything but me and looked like he is holding his breath. Calder also looking like he is controlling his breathing. They are acting like I am in heat or something. Then it hit making me look at them wide eyed.

I ran inside the house and locked myself in my room. I called Amanda pleading her to pick up the phone immediately.

"Hello Meli! What happened?" She asked because I told her that I will call her tomorrow.

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