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"Sometimes you will never know the VALUE of a moment, until it becomes a memory."
~ Dr. Seuss

Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Davina excused herself from the table that her family sat along with another family during the dinner, her cheeks aching from the amount of pressure she was forcing onto the muscles as she smiled politely at everyone.

Davina wanted nothing more than to go home and go to sleep. Due to her pregnancy she felt herself feeling more tired and wanting to sleep more than do anything else. She was exhausted and having to put on a fake smile for everyone around her was taking up all the energy she had.

Davina walked into the empty bathroom that was in the kitchen, the LED lights blinding her as they reflected off the marble floor and counter. She closed her eyes and leaned against the door as she took a moment to collect herself.

Today's events were definitely taking a toll on her and exhausting her. Normally on her days off she didn't have a lot of stress and she could actually sit down and relax but it seemed like Davina had pissed God off and now she was paying for her actions and was stressed like no other. She shouldn't have gone to Target today and she shouldn't have even gone to this stupid dinner today because the only thing she could think about since she arrived was the fact that Petra's pregnancy timeline didn't add up but more importantly Davina shouldn't have continued on sleeping with Elio. If she would have actually used her brain she would have realized that adultery is a sin and it's wrong of her to sleep with a married man.

"Is the baby making you sick?" A voice startled Davina making her jump and open her eyes, her right hand coming up to her beating heart.

"Elio, you scared me," Davina awkwardly laughed as she placed her hand on the door handle. "I'm sorry I didn't realize that this bathroom was occupied."

Seriously, what was up them and bathrooms?

"Its fine, I was just about to leave anyway. You look sick, do you need anything? I can help you up to one of the guest bedrooms." He offered taking a step closer but she lifted her hand shaking her head.

"I'm alright, I'm just feeling overwhelmed and stressed that's all." She said shaking her head turning the handle of door.

"That isn't safe for the baby," Elio said his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at Davina with concern.

For a moment Davina wanted to go up to him and hug him to release the emotions she was feeling like she used to before everything happened. There was just something about Elio that made Davina feel like she was special, that she meant something. Whenever she was stressed or sad, Elio would wrap his abound her and hold her close until her mind went to ease and she was calmer and happier. Davina missed that and wanted that back but reality hit her and those feelings quickly vanished and she realized what she was thinking.

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