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"If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind."

~Shannon L. Alder

Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

"You need to take this serious Elio, you're going to be serving up to ten years in federal prison if we don't fight this." Hector Sanchez, his attorney snapped his bushy eyebrows narrowing on his face as he glared at Elio from across the table.

"I am taking this serious Hector! You just dropped the news that I had killed a woman, how else am I supposed to react?" Elio snapped back shaking his head while slamming his hands down on the surface of the table.

Hector rolled his eyes leaning back into the metal chair and stared at his client. "This isn't news to you Elio, you have known for three days."

Hector was right but Elio wasn't going to admit to that. He didn't want to believe it, he wasn't a murder but he was. He had killed a sixty-seven-year-old woman when he had made the stupidest decision to drive home drunk after his night with Rosetta, the woman he had met at the bar that same night. That whole night was a mistake and a night he wished he could take back for more than one reason but he unfortunately couldn't and now he had to deal with the consequences.

"Is there a way we could push everything until after Petra has her baby? She's due-"

"I'm going to stop you right there Elio," Hector cuts him off shaking his head while holding his left hand out in front of him. "You just killed a woman and you want me to ask the judge to push back your sentencing? Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds?"

Elio bit his tongue his blood boiling at Hectors words. He knows that it could be done but Hector didn't want that because he just wanted to be paid. Immediately.

"They won't push back your sentencing just because your wife is pregnant, even if you had cancer they wouldn't! You have court proceeding that will most likely only take two weeks if we're lucky. I'm sure you'll be locked up before she's gone into labor." Hector said shaking his head. "You just had your hearing about the incident, next we wait for when we take it to trial."

"Which is when? Tomorrow? Next week?"

Hector shrugged his shoulders putting his pen down on his notebook that he brought in. "Who knows, it could take weeks or months."

Elio groaned slinking back into his chair looking down at the shackles they had attached to his feet so he didn't try and run off like some of the other inmates he had heard try. Which he thought was stupid because he clearly couldn't run with the injury to his knee, but they didn't care.

Nobody cared.

"Do I stay here for that time being?" He asked gesturing to the room they were in, he didn't care if he sounded like a jerk when he asked

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