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Bella's POV
"BELLA MAY WEASLEY GET OUT OF BED YOUR GOING TO MISS THE TRAIN!" Shouted my mother. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bella May Weasley, twin to Ginny Molly Weasley, and today is the day we are going into out first year at hogwarts. We are the youngest set of twins in the family. I have 6 brothers, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and Gorge (the other set of twins) and Ron.

"IM COMIMG" I yell back but instead I cuddle up in my bed and fall back asleep. I'm woke up from my slumber by something hitting me in the face. I peal my eyes open and see a pillow being waked in my face by my lovely twin sister "SIS GET UP WERE GOING TO HOGWARTS!" Gin screams down my ear making me deaf. "Ok, ok Gin I'm up, I'm up jeez" I rub my eyes and stand up, still half asleep. As I get in the shower, the water runs down my back and as it hits me I realise it's freezing cold."GINNY!" I scream as I jump out of the shower. She comes into our room with an innocent smile playing one her face. "Yes dear sister?"
"Stop using up all the hot water"
"Oh my deepest apologies" she says with a fake apologetic look and runs downstairs.

I get dressed, do my teeth and brush my hair before going downstairs. "Took you long enough" my mother scoffs. Everyone was downstairs already with there luggage."Let go then don't just stand there" My father claps his hands together. We all go to king cross station and Percy, Fred and George, Ron then Harry ran through the wall. Next it was mine and Gins turn. I hugged my mother and father and ran through the wall first. When I get to the other side, I just stand there, taking everything in when I feel a pressure on my back and fall over. A body fell on top of mine but quickly stood up and reached her hand out for me to pull myself up. "Sorry sis I guess I'm just excited"
"You think" I giggle while grabbing Ginny's hand and pulling myself up. We get on the train and try to find an empty compartment.

After a while we decided to just go sit with Ron and Harry. "Oh RoNaLd" I sang as I opens the door, Ginny right behind me. "Would you mind if you favourite set of twins sat with you?" I didn't let him respond before I sat down on a set opposite him and next to a frizzy haired girl and Ginny slipped in and sat next to Harry. "Hello Bella and Ginny" Harry greeted us while Ron looked out the window. Ginny turned bright red and I laughed because I knew she had the biggest crush on him. "Hello my name is Hermione Granger" the frizzy haired girl stuck her hand out and I gladly took it "I'm Bella Weasley and this is my twin Ginny Weasley" after I shook her hand, Ginny grabbed it and shook it.

The rest of the ride was of Ron and Hermione bickering about who's the best at magic. "10 galleons they will end up together" I whisper to Harry and Ginny. "What was that Bella" Ron asks, turning to me. Oops I guess he heard me. "I was just telling Harry how good you are at dancing" I replied with a smile as Ron turns bright red and turns to look out the window.

As the train comes to a stop, me and Gin loop arms and say bye to Ron, Harry and Hermione. We start to walk to to a half giant man as Ginny starts to fangirl over Harry. We approach the half giant and wait for the rest of the first years "'Ello I'm Rubeus 'agrid" he introduced himself. After 2 or so minutes, we all get in boats and make our way to the castle. As the castle comes into view, we all stare in amazement before getting out and walking over to the doors. As we walk up some stairs, we see a women at the top waiting for us. She introduced herself as professor McGonagall and explains about the four houses and how they will be our family for the next 7 years and then we go to the hall to get sorted. As we are walking in, I see a platinum blond boy. His eyes are a beautiful grey/blue colour and he has soft, pail skin. He catches my gaze and we stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Ginny elbows me.

I look at her kinda pissed of and she points at the ceiling. It was magical. There were candles floating in mid air and it looked like the night sky. A couple of names were called out before me. "Ginny Weasley" she looks at me and flashes me a nervous smile and I squeeze her had to tell her it's ok. She walked up to the stool and sits down. "Ahhh finally...a girl Weasley...I know where you belong...GRYFFINDOR!!" Ginny ran to the table as they erupted in cheers. "Bella Weasley" I gulp as I turn to look at Ginny and she gives me a thumbs up. I sit in the stool and feel every set of eyes on me. "Two Weasleys in one year...is this 8 now?...there's no doubt that you belong in...GRYFFINDOR!!" the hat screamed as a smirk tugged at my face. They all cheered and I went and sat next to Ginny. They all congratulated me and Ginny hugged me. After everyone was sorted, food appeared in front of us and we all began to eat.

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