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Bella's POV
"You know Dray, your not a bad model" I say once I realise I've drawn Draco. I look up to see that Draco drawn nothing. "What did you draw, your brain?" I giggle and he gives me a death stare. "I'll give you 10 seconds to collect your stuff and run" he say in a low voice.




"Your bluffing"


"We really doing this?"


"I guess we are"


I grab my stuff and stand up

"5,4,3,2,1" he gets up and runs towards me. I quickly run before he catches me. "HEY THATS NOT FAIR!" I shout while running away. "SUCK IT UP DARLING" he shouts back. I run into the castle and and through corridor after corridor. I hear him gaining up on me and turn around to see he's not there? I turn back around and he's right in front of me. "AHH" I scream and fall on the ground. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Ughh put me down~" I whine. "No can do darling" he replies. "Nice ass by the way" I smirk. I can't see his reaction but I put money on it that he's blushing.  As we walk further  down the hall, we are met with more people. They stare at us and start to whisper but nether of us care. "Where are we actually going may I ask?" I say in a posh accent. "To the great hall" he's speaks in the same accent. "So your not gonna kill me?" I ask. "No I'm not" he replies. "Oh thank god" I gasp. "Yet" he whispers. "What?" My eyes widen and we reach the great hall. Everyone turns around and looks at us. Some laughing, some whispering but Draco didn't put me down until we got to the Gryffindor table.

He puts me down on the bench and walks off. Fed and George whistle while the 'golden trio' stare at me. Ginny practically falls of her chair in excitement. "So~" Ginny sings. "No" I told them and gave Ginny a stare to say 'I'll tell you later' and I think she got the message. "Me and George are making an ageing potion to put our names in" I heard Fred whisper to his friends. "Oh that reminds me, I need to ask Cedric. I'll be back guys" I stood up. "Wait" Ginny squeaks. "You ok?" I ask while stood there. "Um you can't go because-um-ugggg" she stutters out. "Ok then" I walk to the Hufflpuff table and looked for Cedric.

"Hello my favourite Hufflepuff" I say as I approach Cedric. "H-Hi" he replies nervously. "Can you do me a favour?"
"U-umm s-sure" he gulps. "Can you put my name in the goblet please?" I plead. "Umm" he gulps again. He looks somewhere and then back at me. "Aren't you like 13?" He asks.
"Wel-well yeah, yeah but I'm 14 in a couple weeks" I smile innocently. "P-l-ease Cedric" I gave him puppy dog eyes. "Fi-fine, fine" he gave in. "Yay" I squeal and hand him the paper with my name on it.

"He's doing it" I told as I walk back to the table. "W-what?" Ginny question. "I got him to put my name in the goblet" they all look at me with wide eyes. "Anyways I'm gonna go to the common room, meet you there" I salute and walk off.

Draco's POV
I saw Bella give Cedric a piece of paper and walk of. "CEDRIC" I hear the Weasleys and Pottah screams. I went up to them. "Please tell me you are not gonna do it" Ginny begs. "I-"
"Your gonna let her do it?" I cut him off. "No i'm not actually going to put it in" he explains. We all go back to our common rooms and went to sleep. 

The next day

Bella's POV
Today we were watching people put there name in the goblet. Hermione was reading a book per usual, Harry and Ron were talking to there friends and me and Gin were discussing her crush on Harry. "Just tell him you like him, it's not that hard Gin" she huffs but before she can say something, Cedric comes in with, it looks like the whole house, egging him on. He looks at me and I mouth to him 'have you got my piece of paper?' And he holds up two pieces (One with my name and one with his) and puts it into the goblet. Just then, Fred and George run in. "Oh god here we go" I mumble.

After they do there little speech on the ageing potion and Hermione telling them it won't work, the link arms.

"Ready Fred?"
Ready George"

They both take the potion and jump in the age line. They cheer once they realise there in and throw there papers in. After a couple moments of celebration, there paper gets thrown out the goblet and threw the twins out. They got up and had a white beard and hair and started fighting. Then Krum comes in. Once he places his paper in, he winks at Hermione and then leaves. "Oh lala" me and Ginny whistle. "Oh shut up guys" Hermione tries not to smile, but fails, and walks out.

We all walk out, discussing who will win, and go to bed.

The next morning, we all go tho the hall to see who gets picked for the tournament. When everyone is sitting down, Dumbledore starts talking. "Now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champion selection" he then dramatically points at the lit fire and dims them. He walks up to the cup an touches it. The flame then turns red and a pice of paper flies out. "The Durmstang champion is...Victor Krum" everyone erupts in claps and he goes and shakes Dumbledores hand. Another paper flies out. "The champion for Beaxbaton is... Fleur Delacour" once again, everyone claps and she goes and shakes Dumbledores hand. "The hogwarts champion is...Cedric Diggory" the Hufflepuff go crazy and we all clap. He, once again goes to shake Dumbledores hand. "We now have our three champions, but in the end only one will go down in history, only one
will-" blah blah blah you get it. After his speech, the cups flame turns red again and another paper flies out. Dumbledore looks at it.

"Harry Potter"

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