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Bella's POV
We all arrive home and see mum and dad standing at the door. We all go to our rooms and put down our luggage then go back downstairs to eat supper. "It time for us to explain some things" mum starts and we all stop eating and look at her. Everyone looks confused on what she's on about but my heart stops in a second.

"When you were young..." dad looks at me while explaining "...you didn't come home. You see, when we were at the hospital, Ginny was born and safe but you...you  had just entered this world. We left you in your cott while Ginny went to have some tests, and when you came back...you were gone" he whispers the last part. He looks up to me and I tell him to keep going. "We searched for you everywhere for 2 and a half whole year for days straight, until one night...we found you. You knocked on our door and when we opened it, you were covered in cuts and bruises. You had a tie on your neck and it read, you don't follow my orders, I take something from you. Enjoy your precious daughter, while you can. We knew who it was from, the Dark Lord. We had denied the offer to join there side and to help kill Lily and James Potter. We moved away so he couldn't find us again. When we heard he was dead, we were relieved and you were safe. But now he's back, and we don't know what will happen"

We all stare at our dad in shock and I try to utter some words out but they all turn out to be silent. "How come she doesn't remember? Or any of us?" George asks. "When you came back, you were traumatised so we decided to erase your memory. We then erased any memory of the situation from everyone except ourselves" mum says. I sat there in shock, my eyes stinging and water filling them, but not daring to let it trickle down my cheeks.

For the whole holidays, I've been sat on my bed, not bothering to move or sleep. I now remember everything. From me being kidnapped to being tortured by the Dark Lord himself. It's all as clear as day and everyone time I close my eyes, it like I'm re-living the moment. I can feel all the pain and fear. Remember being told I was worthless. All of it.
Everyone comes up to my room now and then to get me to eat but I refuse.

By the time it comes to going back to school, I'm already packed because I never unpacked. I wore one of Draco's baggy hoodie and some sweatpants to hide how slim I've gotten. I wear no make-up, (not that I do anyway) so the bags under my eyes were visible. I hardly had any strength to pick up my trunk and walk to the platform, but I manage. When I get there, I see a certain icy-blonde boy wearing a black suit. He turn around and we lock eyes. He looks the exact same as me, bags under his eyes, skinnier, and more pale. We both slowly walk to each other before suffocating ourselves in each other arms. We carry our luggage to the train, me more dragging it the carrying it, and find a compartment with Draco's friends in it. "Are you ok Bella? You look awful" Pansy gasps. I just nod my head and sit down.

I put my head on Draco's shoulder and none of us talk, it just silent. Comfortable silence. I hear soft snoring coming from Draco and I lay his head on my lap gently while playing with his hair. Ginny and Hermione come into the compartment and I see Ron and Harry standing outside the door. I guess they still aren't excepting me and Draco. Ginny gives me a soft smile looks at everyone else, mione doing the same. "Why don't you try and sleep?" Hermione says. "I can't, every time I close my eyes I see...h-him and what happened" I whisper  so only they can hear and they both flash each other a worried look before nodding and leaving.

After a while, Draco wakes up and starts to talk
with his friends while I just look out of the window, not listening to them. I lean my head against the window a close my eyes but then they shoot open and jump up when I'm faced with the image that terrifies me to death. The Dark Lord. "Are you sure your ok Bella?" Pansy asks again "mhmm" I hum and put on a face fake smile.

When we get there, Draco flashes me a small smile an helps me get up. He grabs both our luggage and I nearly fall to the ground when he hands me mine but luckily he doesn't notice. I walk to the great hall, while Draco stayed behind, and go to the Gryffindor table. After a couple of minutes, Harry walks in with a bloody nose. "Why is it that he's always covered in blood?" Ginny asks softly. Draco came in a couple seconds after him and sat at the slytherin table. Harry came up to our table and sat down. Dumbledore says how we've got a new Professor and tells us he's teaching potions while Snape is teaching D.A.D.A.
He started to then tell us about Tom Riddle.

I look over at Draco to see him staring at the table as everyone got up. I walk behind him and tap him on the shoulder. He jumps and looks back at me. "Dinner is over" I softly say and he nods. He starts to walk off. "DRACO?" I shout and he turns around with a blank look on his face. "Are you ok?" I ask while walking up to him. A single tear runs down his face and he runs off.

Fine. If he wants to play like that, game on...

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