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Bella's POV
"IM PISSED!" Dumbledore just told us that only students 17 or over can enter the triwizard tournament. "Yeah but you actually weren't going to enter right?" Ginny asks. "Of course I was" I reply. "You know what, I bet I can get Cedric to put my name in the cup" I speak confidently. "No Bella your not doing that, your only 13" Ron worries. "Relax big brother I'll be fine. Plus my mind is set and there's nothing you can do to change it. I'm gonna ask him tomorrow cause I'm tired" I walk of.

Ginny's POV
"We're not actually gonna let her do that are we?" Hermione asks. "Like hell we are" I shout. "We have to find Cedric and tell him not to do what Bella says" George stands up. "Let's go then" and we all went to find Cedric.

"CEDRIC" we all yell as we see him and everyone in the hall looks at us. "Oh hey guy-" I cut him off "don'tdoBellatellsyoutodo" We all shouts and try to get out breath back when we reach him . "I'm sorry?" He asks. "Don't do anything Bella tells you to do" I say when I get my breath back. "Okay? Why?"
"She want you to put her name in the Goblet Of Fire" Ron spits out. "Bella wants to take part in the tournament?" A voice says behind us. We turn around to see Draco and Blaise with worried faces. "Isn't she like 13?" Cedric asks. "Exactly that's why we don't want her to participate. She's gonna ask you tomorrow" I reply.

"Someone needs to distract her tomorrow then" Blaise suggests. "I can't, I've got to help Ron in potions, 'Snapes order'" Hermione moans. When she said 'Snapes order', she puts it in quote bubbles. "I've got to go talk to Luna" Harry says. "I promised Neville I'd go with him to see his plant" I sulk. "We can't do it" Fred and George mutter in defeat. "I can't do it, I'm the one she's looking for" Cedric hold his hands up as we all look at him. "So it's ether of you" I point to Draco and Blaise. "I've got a date, I can't" Blaise utters. "I guess that leaves me" Draco scoffs. "Oh please I'll do anything" I plead. "Anything?" Draco smirks. "Bella will do anything" I correct myself. "Fine" he sighs. "Thank you" we all walk of to our dorms.

Bella's POV
When I wake up, no one is in out dorm, so I go downstairs and yet again, no one is there. I go to the great hall and see Draco and Blaise sitting with the 'golden trio' and Ginny? I walk up to them. "Ok what's going on because your sitting together and everyone has a head attached to there body?" I ask and they all looked up at me. I sit next to Ginny and Draco. "Oh we're all just talking about
um-the-errr-well-umm who's going-who's going to-to get picked for the tournament?" Hermione struggles to find her words and she says it as a question rather than a statement. "Oh yeah the tournament. That reminds me, I have to ask Cedric to put my name in" I explain while getting up.
"Um-no-ehh-n-no you can-can't because ummm-we-I-well-were going to-umm" Draco stutters out. "Spit it out Draco" I demand. "Umm-were going to Hogsmade" he finishes and drags me out of the hall by my hand. "I guess I'll ask him later then" I mutter.

"So why are we here?" I ask the blond who is standing next to me. "Umm I need to get my mother a birthday present?" He smiles awkwardly. "Ok let's go then" I grab his hand and drag him to a shop and then stop and he runs into my back. "Ehh Draco?"
"Mhmm?" He hums. "I actually don't know where we're going, I've never been here before" I say. "Guess I better give you a tour" he pulled our now interlocking hand.

Draco's POV
I take Bella to Hogsmade and show her all the shops. As I'm dragging her along, she's wondering and her eyes glide across all the shops like a kid in a sweet shop. We stop at a shop and I pretended to go in and buy something for my 'mother's birthday' and when I come back out, I see Bella staring at something in the window. If you saw her you would think she's trying to shoot lasers from her eyes. I walk up behind her and see it's a necklace with a green rock with a snake on the top connecting it to the chain.

"Boo" I whisper from behind her and she jumps. "Fuck sake Draco" she turns around to face me. "Wanna go get butterbeer?" I ask. "Why not?" She shrugs and walks to The Hogs Head but comes back. "Yeah your gonna have to show me where it is" she points out and I laugh while connecting our hands again and taking her there.

"Ok well I'm all puffed out, let's head back" she starts to walk back to the castle. I look down at my watch and see it's only 2:30. "WAIT" I shout. "Yeah?" She asks. "Can you teach me how to draw?"
"Fine but we're gonna have to go back to the castle because I didn't bring my sketchbook"
"We can just buy one" I suggest. "Are you kidding me? There hella expenses here" she replies. "I'll buy" I quickly say and pull her into a art shop.

After we brought the supplies, we go to the black lake with our hands still intact and talking about random things. "Right so what do you wanna draw?" She asks. "Umm, that tree?" I point in front of us to a tree. "M'kay" she hums. "So first you've gotta pick up the quill" she smirks when she realises I haven't picked my quill up. I roll my eyes and pick it up. "Ok what now?" I ask. "Let your hands take over for a while" she explains while sketching a face. "Like this" she looks up and I put my quill on the paper and try to draw. "No, no, no. Like this" she places her hand over my hand on the quill and starts to lead my hand. I just stare at her and take in her beauty. Her red, soft hair and how it get a bit lighter in the sun. Her little checks and tiny, perfect nose. Her red lips and her tongue that sticks out a bit as she's concerning. I then move down to look at her hand on mine. There soft like silk and warm like the sun.

"Dray~" she waves a hand in my face to rip me away from my thoughts. I blush one I realise she caught me staring and cough. She giggles. "Did you get that" she points at the paper and I see a drawing of the tree in front of us with a rope swing and a boy pushing it while a girl sits on it. "Wow" I gasp. "That was basically all you, I just helped" she turns the page for me to draw something else and then gets back to her drawing. I take this opportunity to slide the necklace I got her on her neck. (The one above) I go behind her when she doesn't notice and slip it round her neck. Once she feels the cold on her chest, she looks down and she gasps. "Dray, when did you get this?" She asks now facing me. "I saw you looking at it and got it for you when you went to the toilet" I explain. She jumped on me and gave me a be crunching hug. "Thank you Dray"
We just lay there for a few seconds and then we went back to drawing but I couldn't keep my eyes of her.

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