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Draco's POV
We all went into the other room. I would be disgusted to be in the Weasley house if I weren't worried for Bella. "Why does she not remember?" Baby Weasley (Ginny)  asks. "She must of inhaled to much smoke" mother answers. "Are we going to tell her what happened?" Weasel (Ron) asks. "NO" we all scream at the same time and weasel puts his hands up in defeat.

We all go back to we're Bella is and the family sit at the table. "Well we best get going" mother breaks the awkward silence. "I was nice meeting you" Bella shakes her hand. "Eh
y-yeah, you too, you too" mother stutters out and we both leave.

At the platform

Bella's POV
"Can't we just sit with you, I can't be bothered to find a empty compartment" I whine. "No" Ron replies. "Oh come on Ron just let them sit with up" Hermione interrupts Ron. "Plus she will probably sleep the whole time" Ginny speak. I point the her while looking at Ron and say "wise words, wise words."
"Fine come on" We all go in a compartment.

At Hogwarts

When we get off the train and get our luggage, we were going to the great hall when all students gathers around the lake so we followed. "What's going on?" I whisper to Draco who's standing beside me. "I honestly have no clue" he whispers back. Just then, a carriage is spotted from the sky being pulled by...
"Are they unicorns?" I ask to no one in particular. "No there obviously flying horses" Draco scoffs. "Yeah a flying horse is a unicorn, just with a horn, dipshit" I whisper but before he can say anything back, the carriage lands and nearly takes out hagrid. A couple seconds later, a boat comes out of the water and me and Draco just look at each other and then back at the boat.

We all go into the great hall and the first years get sorted. Dumbledore start talking. "Well now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement" the door squeaks open. "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen" as he's saying this. Filtch runs down the tables and whispers something to Dumbledore that I can't hear and then runs back down to the door. "So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the triwizard tournament. And for those of you who do not know, the triwizard tournament brings 3 schools for a series of magical contests. For each school a single student is selected to compete. Let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone. Trust me when I say, these contents  are not for the faint hearted. But more of that later. For now, please help me in welcoming, the lovely lady's of Beuxbatons Academy"

The door opens to reveal students in blue I and blue hats. "And there headmistress, Madame Maxime" the students walk forward and stroke there hand to the side while sighing 'gracefully' every now and again. All the boys are staring at them and there eyes following everywhere they go. Me and Ginny look at each other and mock what there doing and giggle. They then do this weird thing and birds come out from nowhere. Behind them is a women who makes hagrid look like a house elf. There's a girl doing flips down the side and Dumbledore goes up to meet Maxime. They then all bow and everyone clap except me and Ginny and probably some other girls. "What a bunch of prises" I sigh and Ginny nods. "And now our friends from the North, please greet the proud sons of Dumstrang, and there heas master Irgon Karkaroff"

The students come in and hit there sticks on the ground. They switch there hands and repeat what they did. Then thay started swinging them around. "Awww come on man, your leaving dents in the floor" I pout. They then run up the isle and everyone stands up to watch them. "Blimey it's him" I hear Ron gasp so I turn around to see Victor Krum and the Head Master. "Ron it your secret lover" I whisper and Ron slaps my arm. "Albus" the head Master says and that hug.

"And now for the last announcement" Dumbledore starts "10 gallons we've got a new DADA teacher who end up being crazy" I whisper to Ron. "Your on little sis" Ron whispers back. "We have a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher a man comes in with on fake eye and drinks from a weird looking cup. "I already feel myself winning the bet" and I wink at Ron.

After the introduction, we all eat. The Dumstrag eat at the Slytherin table and the Beuxbatons sit at Ravenclaw. Me and Ginny just mock the Beuxbatons all through dinner.  After, we all went to sleep.

We woke up in the morning and went to the great hall. We walked past two Beuxbatons
girls talking to each other. "OmG eVeN tHeRe VoIcEs ArE hOt" I mock. "Literally every boy was staring at there ass" Hermione says. "I know right" I reply. "Not all of them" Ginny butts in. "Bullshit" me and Hermione both chorus. "No Malfoy was staring at you the whole time" she mumbles out and I blush. "I doubt it" I walk off while trying to hide my checks.

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