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Ginny's POV
As me and Bella are running to keep up with our family, our hands part and I fall down. Fred quickly pulls me up of the floor and shouts "WHERES BELLA?"
"I DONT KNOW I LOST HER" I shout back. "WE NEED TO LOOK FOR HER" George screams beside Fred. We all run around trying to find he but after an hour she is nowhere to be seen and we go meet up with everyone else. "Is everyone here?" Dad asks and I look at Fred and George. "Where's Bella?" Ron asks. "I don't know" I tear up. The next couple of hours are of us screaming Bella's name and walking around.

We all met up and had tears streaming down our faces. Just then, an owl came down and drops a letter in dads hands.

Dear Weasleys,
My son found you daughter and we have brought her back to the Manor to heal her and to let her get some rest. She has inhaled too much smoke and will be coughing a lot over the next few weeks. You are welcome to come to the Manor but she is sleeping right now. She has no broken bones but needs to take it easy for the next few days.

Your sincere,

Narcissa Malfoy

We all apparated to the Malfoy Manor. We knock on the door and a woman opens it. She Leeds us straight to the room she's in and find her sleeping peacefully on the bed while Draco is sleeping on the floor. Ron the knocks something over being the clumsy person he is and wakes Draco up. Bella turns in the bed and we all freeze, scared that we have woke her up. To our relief, she turned around in the bed but nearly falls off. Draco rushes and moves her so she's in the middle of the bed and she stops moving to signal she's still sleeping.

We all have tear of relief poring out our eyes because she's ok. We hear the door opening and Draco look terrified. "That's my dad, if he knows your here he will kill you all" Draco panics. "How are we gonna get out with Bella asleep?" I whisper. "Can't we just wake her up?" Ron suggests. "No the healing spell mother used will make her sleep for at least the rest of the night" Draco whisper-shouts.

George picked Bella up and she rapped her legs around his waist. "So how are we doing this?" George asks. "Follow me" Draco whispers and opens his door. We all follow him, while George is carrying Bella, in silence. "Where is he?" We herd Draco's dad ask in frustration. "H-he went to the garden" The woman says as she spots up. Lucius stomps into the garden. We all snuck out of the front door and Draco gave us some floo powder. Just as we were about to leave, dad says "thank you Draco"
Draco just nods and we arrive at the burrow.

"WHERE WERE YOU? I WAS WORRIED SICK" mum screams. She doesn't know what happened since she didn't go to match. "George take Bella upstairs. I'll tell your mum what happened" dad commands. George carries her up the stairs and I follow. When he placed here on the bed, I ask "will she be ok George" with tears in my eyes. He comes and hugs me and rests his chin on my head. "She will be ok Gin. Now try and get some sleep" George utters before walking out of the room. I change into my pyjamas and get into Bella's bed. She instantly snuggles into me and I kiss her forehead before falling asleep myself.

Bella's POV
I flutter my eyes open as the sunlight hits my eyelids and groan. My head is killing me and everything that happened yesterday is foggy. I remember going to the World Cup and meeting the Diggorys, watching the match and going back to the tent, then going home? I drag myself out of bed and walk downstairs to see everyone eating breakfast at the table. I went and sit down in my place then put food on my plate. Everyone stops eating and stares at me. "What?" I ask while my fork is halfway up to my mouth. "Are-" mum starts but I cut her off by coughing. "Sorry" I apologise as I put a pice of pancake in my mouth.

"Are you ok from last night?" Ginny questions. "Ummmm yeah why wouldn't I?" They all just look at each other then back at me. "Do you feel ok" dad asks. "Umm yes?" I raise my eyebrow. They all look at each other again. Just then there was a knock on the door and my mum gets up to answer it. We all just look at each other until mum walks through with Draco and a woman I've never met before. "Good morning. We just wanted to come and check if Bella was ok" the woman spoke and Draco had a disgusted look on his face from being here. I'm guessing the woman is his mother and she forced him here.

My face twists into a confused look. "I'm sorry to be rude but how do you know my name? We've never met before" Everyone turns to me and has a worried look on their face. I start to cough and burry my face into my arm so my coughing is covers with my elbow. "What do you remember from last night" the woman wonders. "I remember *cough* meeting the Diggorys then going to the *cough* tent and then watch the match and going home*cough*" I say and cough throughout. "So you don't remember anything that happened between watching the match and going home?" Draco asks. "What?" I reply. "Will you excuse us for a moment" mum told and everyone went into another room.

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