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Bella's POV
"Bella, school starts next week" Ginny tells me as she sits on my bed. I just hum against my pillow. "Come on Bella, you haven't eaten in over a week" I just stay silent and close my eyes. I feel her presence leave the bed and hear footsteps fading. After a couple of minutes, I hear tapping on my window so I look up to see a familiar owl with a note in its mouth. I get up but my legs turn to jelly and I fall flat on my face.

I finally make it to the window and open in to let the owl in. He drops the letter and looks at me with big eyes. "Sorry Ulysses, I don't have any food for you" I say and go to stroke his beck but he pecks my hand. "Ow, what was that for?" I ask and the owl looks at me with angry eyes. "Fine!" I go downstairs and see all the family at the table. They all turn to me, shocked. I probably look a mess. I haven't had a shower in almost two weeks and I haven't been eating. "What? Never seen a heartbroken girl before?" I spit and go into the kitchen. I grab a handful of maggots and run back upstairs. "Here" I sulk and hold my hand out and he jumps on my wrist.

While he's eating, I grab the letter and tear it open. I get it out with shaky hands and start to read.

Dear Bella,
I would like you to come over to the Malfoy Manor this afternoon to see if we can get Draco's memory back. He hasn't been the same as before. He's being more rude and he isn't talking to anyone, not even me. It's like he's in his own little bubble. Don't worry, my husband will not be here. I am disgusted by his actions so I tried to kick him out the house but he somehow stopped me. Please except my invite and bring some valuable things from your relationship to help. I want my boy back.

Narcissa Malfoy

ITS 11:45 RIGHT NOW.I throw the letter on my bed and run to the bathroom to get showered. Of course I'm going to go. Why wouldn't I? I get out the shower and run to put my clothes on. I nearly trip on my jeans as the family all come into my room. They look at me weirdly and surprised as I run around trying to find my shoes while brushing my hair. Mum asks lodes of questions but I just ignore them. I finally find my shoes and put them on. "I'll be back by midnight" I say and hurry downstairs. I get on my broom and fly to the Malfoy Manor.

When I arrive there, I throw my broom into a bush and smooth my clothes and hair down before knocking on the door. The door swing open and I get embraced in a bone crushing hug. "It's wonderful to see you darling" she says and rushes me into the house. "DRACO, SOMEONES HERE TO SEE YOU!" Narcissa shouts. I hear a low grunt and as I put my bag down, I hear footsteps walking down the stairs. I turn around to be met with a blonde haired boy. He catches my gaze and wears a confused face. "This is Bella" Narcissa softly speaks and I slowly wave. "Ummm hi?" He reaches the bottom of the staircase. I look at Narcissa and she nods her head slowly so I step forward and walk closer to him. "Hello" I gulp with tears in my eyes. We just stare at each other for a couple of moments. "Have we met?" He breaks the silence. "I-" I open my mouth but nothing comes out so I just shut it again. "You met a while ago" Narcissa says and pulls me away from Draco.

"Did you bring anything?" She whispers and I nod my head. I hold up my hand and slip the promise ring off my finger. "Does this look familiar to you" I ask gently as I step forward. "Umm yes, I wearing the same ring on my finger" he slips his ring off too. "Do you remember why you have it?" I choke out. "No" he answers. "You gave this to me at Christmas" I sniffle but he just looks at me confused. I slip the ring back on. "Do you want it back?" he asks and hods the ring up to my face. "N-no, it's alright" I smile and he slips it back on his finger.

I gently gab his wrist and hold his hand up. "Do you remember that one?" I point to the ring I got him. "No" he says again. "What about this?" I take of my necklace and lay it in his hand. "It's looks familiar but I can't remember" I smile slightly and put it back around my neck.

We hear the door open and see Lucius walk in. When he spots me, he takes his want out and points it at me. I drag Draco behind me gently and pull my own wand out. "What are you doing here?" He spits angrily. "I could ask you the same question" Narcissa says back and stands in front of me. "Move out of the way Narcissa. I don't want to hurt you" he says but she just grips her wand tighter. "Flipendo" he shouts and Narcissa flies back into a wall. We start flying spells at each other while Draco helps his mother up. He then runs out the door when his wand falls to the ground. "Are you ok Narcissa?"
"I'm fine darling, carry on with what you were doing" she replies and I smile.

We go and sit in the living room where I get a sketchbook out. "One day, I wanted to put my name in the goblet of fire-" I say while flicking through the pages. "-but I was too young so I said I would ask this boy at school to do it. Everyone tried to stop me including you so-" I cut myself off by laughing a bit. "-you made up an excuse and said your taking me to Hogsmade. We literally held hands the whole time we were there. You asked me to teach you how to draw because you were trying to stall. So you brought some supplies and we sat under a tree. You tried to draw but you were doing it wrong so I helped you, and we drew this" I hold up the drawing and look at Draco observing it. He turns really pale in a few seconds and begins to rock slightly. "Draco, are you ok?" I ask and stand up. He falls back and his eyes close. "DRAY!"

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