Chapter 1: New Assignment

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Whilst sat at my desk, I shuffled my files around, feeling anxious about the meeting that'll take place soon. My recent promotion to head security officer meant I now get an office with a desk. I would prefer a much bigger raise than the one I received but fuck that I got a squeaky second hand Ikea looking desk. There is a knock at my door and I look up to see my supervisor. I quickly stand to attention.

"Afternoon sir" I nod at Robert who stands at the same height as me, 6ft 2.

"Afternoon Raven, ready for the meeting?" He asks and I adjust my ponytail, my long black wavy hair resting down my back now.

"Yes sir" I pop my black mask on, Covid-19 is still a thing at the moment and although mortality rate is at an all time low, you can't be too careful. I follow Rob as he leads me into the meeting room. There are a few other officers in there. I recognise Mark, he has been with the company for about three years now. I scan the room and see a new officer, he looks terrified, bless his socks. There is also Robs boss, Lucinda. She is a tough bitch and everything I wanna be. She is about 30 years old, short but my god she is feisty. We are all wearing black and look like typical security personnel, even our masks are black.

"Afternoon everyone" Lucindas' booming voice broke the silence. I sat next to Mark, who nodded at me and I returned it.

"So we have a special assignment for you, its international. Which means you will have to keep us informed of any changes ASAP in case we need to get agents over there." I looked to Rob who was staring at Lucinda, I don't think he even knew what this job was. This is the first international assignment I've had and I've been here since I was 17. That's almost six years now.

"There is a new terrorist group that has formed in America and they have targeted two musical talents' events. So you three will be detailed to a pop star in the states whilst she is doing her American tour." Lucinda explains. I did hear about the terror attacks at events, reminded me of what happened in Manchester years ago, so fucking sad. Thankfully this group hasn't killed anyone yet, just seriously injured so I don't know who or what their end goal is.

"Raven, you will obviously take charge on this assignment. You will be the clients personal body guard, wherever she goes, you go. Understood? Don't leave her side" Lucinda made very clear.

"Yes ma'am"I nodded.

"Excellent, your experience will be so useful. Now, you cannot share any information with other agents." She said staring us all down.

"Can I ask why?" The new officer spoke.

"You can ask but it doesn't mean I have to answer" Lucinda snapped her head towards him.

"Oh-Okay ma'am" he quickly averted his gaze and I chuckled quietly. You learn to not question Lucinda, there is always method to her madness. However new boy had a point, its strange that we cannot let other officers know.

"You will be sent full details of the assignment via email, any questions?" She looks at us all individually.

"Just for reference what are we calling this assignment?" Mark speaks up and we all look to Lucinda.

"Code: Ocean" she responds and my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Ocean? What is she, a pirate?" I chuckle and look to Rob who was smiling.

Lucinda shrugged "Technically she is a 'Pirate' so yes" I looked around the room looking for any sort of answers. But nothing, so I guess we are guarding a maiden of the seas.

"Her name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell, or Billie Eilish" Lucinda reads from her notes.

"That's a mouthful" the new guy laughs and I look to him.

"Yes Harry it is, but you don't need to call her that when speaking to her" Mark chuckles and rubs his forehead with his fingers. I look at Harry and can see his eyes scanning my right arm which is covered in tattoos. I cough slightly which made his eyes meet mine and I raised a brow. I looked back to Lucinda when she started to speak again.

"Rob will also be going with you but will stay in LA the whole time, keeping an eye on the family home. That's everything, you leave tomorrow evening from Gatwick Airport so you will need to be ready in the morning to travel down there."

"That's nearly a 4 hour drive!" Rob piped up "Why can't we travel from an airport closer?" He crossed his arms.

"I have been cooped up in Wales for too long so I don't mind the travel. I guess you'll have to just deal with your travel sickness." I chuckle and stand up, looking at Rob who was clearly pouting under that mask. What a baby!

"We wont let you down Lucinda, you can trust me" I look to her before returning to my office. I sit down and sigh. I'm excited to leave the United Kingdom but I don't particularly like America, their accents can be exhausting but this girl clearly needs protecting so ill just have to grin and bare it.

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