Chapter 28: Bruises

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(TW mentions of Domestic abuse)

It's been a few days since I last saw Billie, I've been so busy at work and trying to get more information on this guy is proving harder than I thought.

I'm currently in my office with Emma, discussing the next steps and I have something to tell her too. 

"So there is also another reason why I wanted to meet with you today" I explained and she raised her eyebrows.

"Who else we trying to stalk?" She chuckles and I laugh shaking my head.

"No, nothing to do with that. I wanted to give you a promotion" I smiled at her when her eyes got wide.

"Really? Wh-why?" She struggles to find the words.

"Ive worked along side you for many years now and you've proven to be so loyal and trustworthy. I would like to offer you a promotion to Vice President of Midnight Finances" I sit back in my chair. 

"What the fuck dude?" She is in utter shock. I nod my head and laugh at her.

"There is a small pay rise to $100,000" her eyes widen even more.

"What...$100,000 a year? Holy shit I don't even think I've made that in my life." She gushes.

I look at her confused "No, $100,000 a month" I burst out laughing when she chokes on the water she just drank.

"Raven....thank you so fucking much" she smiles and her eyes start to water.

"You deserve it Emma, is that a yes?" I put my hand out for her to shake.

"Of course" she eagerly shakes my hand smiling wide.

A few hours later its now time to go to Danis house, did I forget to mention she is having another party. Except this times its smaller and is more like a get together. I didn't invite Chelsea because she has been even more annoying recently.

"Hey" I say to the security guard posted at the front gate to Danis house. I walk up the drive and walk into the house.

"Ayooo bitch" Dani shouts as she sees me walk in. She pulls me in for a hug and we begin to talk.

A few minutes later the front door opens again and in walks Billie and Matthew/Caleb. My jaw instantly clenches at the slight of him and Dani seems to pick up on the tension and turns to face Billie and Matthew.

"Hey guys" she says and pulls Billie in for a hug. We all walk into the living room and sit down on the very large sofa. There are a few other people that I knew a few years ago. But my focus wasn't on them, it was on Billie who was sat on Matthews lap.

She began to laugh at something Dani said whilst he was on his phone. He seems to be on that thing a lot, I wonder whats on there.

Her gaze falls on me and we hold eye contact for a second until she looks away. I'm not sure if I'm getting sick, or the feeling of her eyes on mine gave me literal giant butterflies.

After a while of speaking with the people around me I look over to Billie who seems to be having a whisper argument with Matthew. He gets up and drags her to the front door. My eyes follow them and I notice Dani looking too, she looks at me worried.

"I need a piss" I announce and quickly get up.

Heading for where I last saw her being dragged away. I peek around the corner and see them, she is stood against the wall by the door and he is towering over her.

"Why cant you stay with me?" She says with a sad look.

"I fucking told you. I have shit to do" he seethes, this guy has some serious anger issues.

"I know but ill miss you" she leans up to kiss his cheek but he shoves her away slightly.

"You're so fucking clingy" he says and my heart breaks when I see her so sad.

"When will I see you again? Because you don't ever want to be around me anymore? What the fuck is wrong with you?" She shouts slightly. Oh Billie you and that beautiful mouth just never know when to not push buttons.

"Don't fucking speak to me like that" he grabs her face roughly with one hand, making her look at him. "Don't make me fucking hurt you again bitch" that's it I've had enough.

I quickly step out and he spins around to look at me with wide eyes.

"Damn this house is so big, can never find the fucking toilet" I lie, not wanting them to know what I saw. "Sorry did I interrupt something?" I fake smile.

"No im going" Matthew says and slams the door behind him.

I see Billie take a deep breath and run upstairs, clearly wanting to be alone now.

I wait an hour or so and Dani already said we can all crash here, its hella late now I think its 3am.

"I'm gunna head to sleep, see you all tomorrow" I smile at everyone and head upstairs.

As I'm walking along the corridor I hear noises coming from a room. It sounded like crying but there was also screaming.

"Get off me" I recognised the voice to be Billies. I rush into the room and my eyes fall on her laying in bed. She is having a night terror, they stopped when we started sleeping together but I guess they started back up.

"Hey, hey, hey, Bil I'm here" I whisper as I slip into the bed next to her, pulling her in. She gasps as she wakes up and I smooth her back whilst her face is in my chest. "It's okay baby, I'm here" I silently curse at myself for letting the pet name slip out.

"Raven?" She looks up at me.

"You were having a night terror, I remember you used to like being held and having your back rubbed. So here I am" I chuckled slightly. My hand falls to the side of her waist and she hisses a bit.

I look down at her confused, quickly removing the blanket I can see a bruise on her side as her shirt is lifted slightly.

It looks like finger marks, inspecting further I see impact bruises and my heart hurts.

Delicately my fingers trace over the bruises and I look back up to her face, she is looking at me as if to ask me not to ask about them.

I lean down and gently kiss one of the bruises on her waist.

"I wont ask Bil. But I'm here now, ill never leave you alone again. I promise" I say as I sit back up slightly, now looking at her.

Suddenly she puts her hand on the back of my neck and pulls me down to crash our lips together.  My head spins as the familiar feeling of her soft lips lights sparks inside me. I move my hand to her cheek, rubbing my thumb over it and I feel a tear. This feeling will never get old, she makes me feel so warm inside, as if the world didn't exist and no one else mattered.

We continued the passionate kiss for a few minutes but had to pull apart to breathe.

"I love you" she whispers and smiles at me.

"I never stopped loving you Eilish" I smile back at her. Now that my baby is back where she belongs, I can deal with Caleb, my way.

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