Chapter 31: Strangers

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Billies POV

It's been three months now, Raven was placed into an induced coma because of her injuries. I visit everyday, and I will visit everyday until she is better.

She sustained trauma to her head and several cuts and lacerations, she lost most of her blood. It was rocky for a while but they managed to get her stable.

I'm sat holding her hand next to her bedside as I watch the machine help her breathe, how have I let this happen to her? Why was I so scared to jump back into our relationship, when its obvious we are madly in love. I wasted so much time without her when I could have been loving her.

"I'm sorry Raven" a tear falls from my eye. "I should have given you all of me when you came back" I whispered.

My phone dings and I jump on it, knowing what it is. Ravens next of kin is her mother, so doctors haven't been able to tell me anything. It's fucking bullshit. Anyway, this email will allow me to speak to the doctors about Raven.

A few hours later and I'm sat in one of the consultants offices.

"So, she will come out of the coma any day now. But, she sustained so much trauma to her head" he shakes his head "we believe she will have memory loss, hopefully it will only be temporary, but if she has it. It's going to be difficult" he explains.

"She wont remember anything?" I ask.

"Not necessarily, head trauma is difficult. She may remember some things but not others." He pulls up a CT scan of her brain. "It's possible that she will never remember, but we are hoping for the best" he sadly smiles and looks at the scan.

A day later I'm sat next to Ravens bed with Finneas, we are talking to her about our new songs. Suddenly I feel her hand squeeze mine, my eyes widen and I gasp.

"Get a doctor Fin" I say quickly and he rushed out the room.

I move some hair out of her face and pull off the oxygen mask as her eyes open.

"Hey baby" I whisper and she looks at me, but she also doesn't. It's almost as if she looked right through me. "Raven? How are you feeling?" I ask and rub her hand.

"Um...uh...I'm thirsty as hell" she chuckles and I go to the water fountain to get her a cup of water.

"Here" I hand it to her and she sips it, looking around the room.

"You look young for a doctor" she smiles slightly and my heart cracks.

"I' not a doctor Raven" I say and look into her eyes.

"Oh? Then who are you?" She takes another sip and a tear falls down my cheek. "Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah give me a second" I say and rush out the room, bumping into Fin. The doctor walks into the room and I wait outside with him.

"It's like I was a stranger Fin" I say whilst chewing my nail "she doesn't know me anymore" I run my hand through my hair.

"She will remember you Bil, she loved you more than anything" he pulls me into his side and I let out a sob.

We walk into the room and she is sat up eating some jelly. She looks up and smiles slightly.

"Hey, so the doctor said your name is Billie and you're her brother Finneas?" She asks and we both nod.

"Yeah, that's right" Fin says as he walks closer to her bed.

We talk for a bit and explain as best we can what happened, leaving some detail out so we don't overload her with emotions.

"Just wait til Rob hears about this" she laughs and Fin and I look at each other.

"Um, Rae. Rob died two yeas ago" I say quietly.

Her head snaps up to look at me "what? No he didn't. I saw him the other day" she says a bit defensively.

"You have been in a coma for three months Raven, I'm sorry but he died two years ago" I reach for her hand but she snatches it away.

"That's not funny Billie. You cant just say shit like that" tears start to come down her cheeks.

"It's true, Raven he's gone" Fin says and she looks between us.

"I want you both to leave" she says "now!" She shouts and we both walk out the room.

Ravens POV

Who the hell are they anyway? Rob isn't dead. Why would they lie? that's so sick and twisted. My head hurts and my memory is really foggy and almost like an incomplete puzzle piece. But I know he isn't dead.

"Can you get me Robert Williams please?" I ask the nurse who is checking my vitals.

"Raven, I'm sorry but Robert passed away two years ago" she says and my heart hurts.

"Why is everyone lying to me?" I shout slightly, tears falling down my face.

"We're not Raven. I'm sorry sweetie" she says and leaves me alone.

This cant be true, he was my fucking best friend. If this is true it means I have felt this heart break before. I don't think I can take it. I just sit and stare blankly at the wall as tears fall.

I go to pick up my drink, but I knocked it over onto the floor. The reddish pinkish liquid spilling everywhere. My breath hitches as the memory of Rob laying in front of me covered in blood, comes flooding back. I'm sat next to him and his hand has just fallen to the floor, he is dead. I snap out of it.

He really is gone. Billie and Finneas weren't lying to me. My heart hurts and I feel sick. I cant believe I lost the most important person in my life and I had forgotten it.

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