8: Mole?

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I got back from my run and was about to walk into the hotel room when I saw Fin.

"Oh could you get Bil up? We have to leave for an interview in an hour" He smiled sweetly.

"Yeah no problem. How are you feeling?" I ask and met him half way between our rooms.

"Yeah I'm good. Billies killing it on the stage so I'm excited for every show, only a little tired" he chuffed.

"You're killing it too bro" I playfully nudged his arm "you two work really well together and its obvious that you care so much about each other" I smiled and looked into his eyes.

"Yeah we have always been like that. How has sharing a room with her been?" He chuckled.

I blushed slightly remembering last night " yeah its alright she snores but it doesn't bother me" we finished the conversation and I headed back to the room. I looked over to Billie who was sound asleep still. I walked up to her and shook her slightly.

"Rise and shine Eilish" I smiled when she groaned and pushed my hand off. "Come on you got an interview soon"

"I'm busy, fuck off" she grunted, her voice raspy from sleep. I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom to fill up a cup with water. Walking over to the bed I splashed it on her face. I laughed my ass off when she gasped and sat up quickly. I shrugged and she gave me the notorious bitch face.

"What's your problem?" She said with her voice slightly raised.

"I'm a talented girl who can get you wet in many ways Eilish" I winked when she just stared at me, a pink flush on her cheeks. Clearly someone's recalling what happened the night before. She stayed quiet and went into the bathroom after flipping me off.

We arrived at the studio where she will have her interview, outside paps were gathering around the vehicle already snapping photos. Billie sighed and I looked over to her and tilted my head.

"You okay?" I asked and all she did was nod. I opened the door and stood on the side the paps were as I helped Billie out. I tried to cover as much of her with my body as I could as I lead her inside. Once we were inside she sat down for her interview and I was able to watch. He started off asking the usual boring ass questions and she was trying her best to not seem uninterested but I could tell, being constantly around her these past few weeks has given me time to know her.

"So, anyone catching your eye at the moment?" The interviewer asked and I was suddenly interested.

"Um...I'm not sure. Maybe? Shit I don't know. I'm just tryna concentrate on the tour for now." She laughed and her eyes darted to me for a second. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, knowing she thought of me when getting asked that had me all soft. I pushed those feelings aside knowing that the feelings I have for her can never come out.

"So there have been several reports about terrorist attacks on musical talents. Just yesterday you had a pretty close call?" He asked and she shifted in her seat.

"Yeah its fucked up. I'm just out here for my fans and this group wants to ruin it." She sighed.

"Were you scared in that moment? There are pictures of your body guard stood between you and the male."

"I was a bit scared but I knew that I was safe. Raven is great" she smiled and glanced at me causing me to smile too. "Great at her job...she wouldn't let anything happen to me" I smiled at her again.

The interview soon finished and we were on our way back to the hotel to prepare for tonight's show. I was sat in the middle row of the van and Billie was in the back as she insisted on having a row to herself. I was just watching the road ahead when I suddenly felt her breath against my neck and ear.

"Thanks for last night" she whispered and my face became warm. "Ill have to return the favour one day" my breath hitched in my throat when she bit my earlobe. I coughed, trying to act normal and I heard her laughing behind me and I shook my head. She is gunna be the death of me.

Over the next few days she performs shows and attends interviews. It's going really well so far which is amazing. I was currently in the hotel room with Billie whilst she shows me The Office. My phone starts to ring.

"Ignore that shit, this is a good part" she said without removing her eyes from the screen.

"You've said that about every part Eilish, also I need to take it. Gimme a minute" I said and got up, walking into the bathroom.

"Rob?" I asked as I accepted the call.

"Hey Rae, how've you been?" He asks and I update him on the current events and we have a catch up.

"Well there is a reason I have called you, remember when I told you that there will come a time when I need to tell you something?" He asked and his voice was very serious which made me nervous.

"Uh yeah, I'm assuming that time is now?" I ask.

"Yes. So we believe that there is a mole working for us. They are secretly with the terrorist group and giving out intel and letting the members slip through" he begins and my heart rate increases, I've never dealt with an inside job before.

"Don't panic, I know its not you but it's definitely someone who is out with you at the moment. So there is a way we can catch them out." He continues and I hear Billie calling me to come back. I poke my head out and push my finger to my lips shushing her and she raises her eyebrows at me.

"So I'm going to call everyone and tell them that Billie and her family will be staying in a room in a decoy hotel. They will all be given a different room number and I will mention the security is low because its new. But in reality they will only see Billie and her family enter. You will evacuate them straight away, separately to avoid suspicion. Ill get someone i trust to help you, you will manage Billie and my other agent will handle the family." I'm absorbing the information like a sponge.

"You cannot tell Billie. Or anyone at all. I mean that Raven she needs to believe that she is staying there in case of any slip ups. Once you get to San Francisco ill give you details of a safe house to take them to." He finishes and I go back and confirm some details quietly before hanging up. I look in the mirror and see I've gone pale, I splash some water on my face and take a deep breath.

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