Chapter 39: False Reality

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"So she should wake up any second now?" I hear Billie ask and an unfamiliar voice responds.

"Yes, she should" he says.

I slowly open my eyes and look around the room, finding Billie stood there with a doctor. 

"Raven" Billie says with small smile and walks closer to me.

"What the hell happened?" I ask, my voice raspy as hell.

"You kinda passed out baby, I think the shock of everything really got to you" she explains.

"Oh, this just doesn't look like the local hospital in Wales" I laugh slightly.

"Well it wouldn't be baby, we are in LA" she chuckles and I look to her confused.

"But we were just in Wales" I say and look between her and the doctor.

"It's very normal for people to experience vivid imagination when they have sustained as much head trauma as you" he explains. "You have been in a coma and have experienced false reality" 

"So...I've been making things up in my head and now I think they are real?" I question and he nods. "So what happened last that was real?" I give Billie a questioning look.

"You passed out when Chelsea pulled the gun out. We were in the basement with Caleb and Chelsea, but you legit fainted" she starts. "I called the police sneakily on my phone and they arrived just after you passed out. Chelsea and Caleb have been arrested and charged" she explains.

" I didn't kill him?" I look at her and she raises her eyebrows.

"No baby" she says.

"So we don't have a record label and you didn't cheat on me" I ask.

"Fucking hell Rae, you have some crazy thoughts huh. No, none of that has happened" she says and I sigh.

"So turns out Caleb and Chelsea were like next level crazy, they made up the story about the industry being homophobic. Well that might still be kinda true but anyway. They have nothing to do with the industry. Just some crazies that wanted to get revenge for shit that never happened" she says and my mouth hangs in shock.

"I genuinely thought that all that shit happened." I whisper.

"I'd never cheat on you baby" she says and pushes one hair behind my ear. "No one is gunna come between us again" she smiles.

It's been two weeks since I woke up and I've adjusted to the actual world. It kinda makes sense because since that moment everything felt really over dramatic and like a movie.

"Done" billie sighs as she puts the last of her clothes into her drawer.

She has finally moved back in with me and her stuff is now all in my penthouse apartment.

"I cant believe you imagined we started a label, that shit would be too much work for me" she laughs. "Also did you take me back after I 'cheated'?" She asks.
"Yeah I actually did" I laugh.
"Fucking dumb ass" she laughs "once a cheat, always a cheat" she rolls her eyes.

"I mean it was all just so real" I laugh and look at her as she walks over to me.

"No baby, this is reality" she says and kisses me, my head spins and I pull her close to me by her waist.

"How long was I in hospital for?" I ask as I pull away from the kiss.

"Five months" she says " I was with you every second I could be, but please stop with the fucking coma shit" she laughs.

"I hope it doesn't happen again, too many days have been wasted without you" I smile and kiss her again.

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