Chapter 25: Party

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I woke up in my California king sized bed, that's in my penthouse apartment. I got dressed in some casual clothes, some cargo trousers and a hoodie. I hope she meets me otherwise I'm going to look stupid as fuck. My phone begins to ring and I roll my eyes as I answer.

"Hey Raven!" Chelsea's voice rings through.

"Hey, everything okay?"I asked as I walked to my car after getting out of the lift.

"Yeah, just seeing how you are! You didn't call me last night" she whined and I can almost hear her pout.

"Did I have a scheduled call with you?" I'm so confused right now.

"No, silly. You normally call on a Friday so I can come over and..." she pauses and giggles. I roll my eyes, why do I keep calling her to come over for sex.

"Oh, my mind was on other things...sorry?" I started my car engine.

"Where are you going?" She chirps and I pray that my signal drops.

"Just meeting an old friend" I say and we continue to talk but I make up an excuse to hang up. After promising to spend tonight with her. Like I really like Chelsea because she is so good at her job, but fucking hell she is annoying. We started sleeping with each other a few months ago and she has been hella clingy since. It's not like I'm leading her on, I told her from the start what we would be, and that's friends with benefits.

I pull up to the café and order our drinks, I mean I haven't talked to her in 2 years but I assume she likes the same thing. I sit down at a table outside and wait.

It's been about an hour and there is no sign of her. My phone rings again and I answer, not looking at the caller ID.

"Hello" I said in a monotone voice.

"Damn who fucked you the wrong way?" Danielle laughed.

"Oh shit. Hey Dani. It's been a forever how is things?" I ask and we spend the next half an hour catching up as I watch the ice in Billies drink completely melt.

"So I'm having a reunion party at my house tonight, I wanted to know if you would come?" She asked and I hummed.

"I would love to really but I have plans tonight" I sigh, standing up from the table.

"Then bring your plans with you" she laughs slightly.

"Okay ill see you then, text me your address." I say and hang up. I look down at the empty seat and cant help but frown. I really thought she would come. I mean I get what I did was fucked up but at least hear me out.

I walk back to my car and get in, driving home.

I pull up to Dani's house and can hear the music blasting. I'm wearing some denim ripped jeans, a black crop top with a checkered shirt over it. I look over to Chelsea who is looking fire as hell tonight. She has black leather trousers on which hug her ass nicely and a crop top.

"Let's do this" I smile at her and get out the car, walking to the house.

I pull us through the crowd and we grab drinks on the way to the back, where Dani said she would be. I walk up behind her and scare her, she lets out a scream but smiles and hugs me.

"Hey bitch" she smiles. "So this is your 'plans'" she smirks at Chelsea who hugs her.

We talk for a while, whilst sitting by the fire pit outside. At some point Chelsea found her way onto my lap, I didn't mind it really but she started playing with my hair and kissing my cheek. Like I've made it clear what we are but I don't wanna be a bitch.

As I'm speaking to Dani and other people, my eyes land on the very girl who stood me up earlier. She looked so fine, but it's Billie so of course she does. I roll my eyes and decide to just ignore her, yes I'm petty, leave me alone.

She comes over and hugs the people we are sat around and then I feel her eyes on me so I look up. I meet her gaze and she is looking between me and Chelsea who so happened to place yet another kiss on my cheek.

"Oh hey! Billie right? I saw you yesterday at the office" Chelsea shouted over the music and smiled at Billie. Who just kept her classic resting bitch face.

"Yeah, hey" she said and looked back over to me. She huffed and walked away, into the house.

"I'm gunna go get us drinks, stay with Dani" I said to Chelsea as I stood up, pushing her off slightly.

I power walked into the house, trying to find Billie, I see her walk into the toilet so I quickly jog there. Before the door is fully closed I push it open and close the door behind me, locking it.

"What the fuck" Billie said, her brows furrowed.

"You stood me up?" I asked and she stepped back so she was leaning on the sink counter.

"I never agreed to coming, so no. You just had coffee on your own" she smiled slightly and crossed her arms.

"Eilish, come on. You have to let me explain myself" I sighed and shook my head. "I never meant to hurt you" I continued.

"Well you did. Not only did you hurt me but you hurt my family and my friends. Because they had to see me break. They had to be there whilst I would cry for hours, refuse to eat or to go outside." Her eyes became tearful and a pan of guilt filled my chest.

"I'm so sorry, I had no choice" I barley whispered out, my words catching in my throat.

"Of course you had a fucking choice" she shouted. "And you chose to hurt me. You chose to leave, when our lives together had just begun" a tear rolling down her cheek. I lifted my hand to wipe it away but she smacked it down. "Don't fucking touch me, you cannot just walk back into my life, like nothing happened" I felt tears now leaving my eyes.

"Then let me explain why I did what I did" I pleaded with her. "Please Billie, all I need is one hour with you." I looked into her eyes and I felt them soften. She seemed to have a mental battle with herself before sighing.

"Fine. I'll come to the office tomorrow and we can talk. One hour Raven" she said sternly. "Now go back to your girlfriend" she rolled her eyes.

"She isn't my girlfriend" I smirked when she seemed to look slightly pleased about that. "She is just a friend, who I have sex with now and then" I said bluntly and her face went slightly red.

"Oh, good for you" she whispered.

"Don't worry princess..." I lean into the side of her, my lips brushing against her ear "she is nothing compared to you in bed" I smirk when I hear her breath hitch. "Ive missed hearing you scream my name" I bit her ear lobe and I hear a whimper escape her lips.

"Raven..." she whispers and I hum in response.

Before she can continue there is pounding on the door.

"I need a fucking piss" some random guy shouts and we both laugh.

After a few hours Chelsea and I decide to leave, I've only had one drink so I'm able to drive us home.

" know we aren't like together right?"  I ask and she looks over to me.

"I know, you don't do relationships, you've told me" she sighs.

"I just don't want to string you along. I don't want this thing we have, to continue if you are wanting something more" I explain and she shakes her head.

"No im good with what we have" she smiled and I nod in response.

We got back to mine and go to bed, we don't end up doing anything. Despite Chelseas attempts, I'm just too busy thinking about Billie. I hope tomorrow goes well.


Guys reading your comments make my day!!!
We are number one baby!!!!!!

#1 in #Billieeilish 14/04/21

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