Chapter 13: Ravens Birthday

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Ravens POV

I woke up a bit later than I normally would because I decided to have a day off from running. I got dressed into a a cropped hoodie, black ripped jeans and black combat boots. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and put some make up on, legit the first time I've done this since I've been out here. Wow I'm 23, damn I'm getting old. I'm hoping Emma hasn't spilt the beans and told the rest of them, although I hate that I'm spending it alone, I don't want to make a big fuss. I walked out to the kitchen and decided to leave once I drank some coffee. I looked at my watch at it said it was 3pm, I looked down in confusion and then looked at my phone which said 11:30am. Fuck my watch broke, I took it off and put it on the side, normally I would just change the battery but there is a massive crack through the glass. Ill buy a new one eventually, it wasn't expensive so I don't mind just chucking it out. Maggie walked into the kitchen as I was finishing my coffee.

"Morning" I said to her and smiled.

"Morning sweetie, you off somewhere? You look really nice." She complimented and I blushed.

"Aw thank you. I'm heading to the beach actually."I said and grabbed my small backpack.

"Ooo, could I come with you. I haven't been there in so long!"she said and I smiled widely.

"I'd love some company so of course you can" I said and we walked out, getting into one of the cars and driving off.

A few hours later – you all read that in the spongebob voice.

We have been at the beach for so long, just walking around the pier. I have honestly had a great day and I was so thankful to Maggie for being here with me. Her leg wasn't fully broken so she was able to move around on it fine.

"Thank you for coming with me" I smiled at her as we were on our way back to the car.

"That's no problem hunny! Ive had a great day." She said.

"I'm not sure if you know but its actually my birthday, so I'm glad I've spent it with someone" I explained and she gasped.

"What? Oh Raven you should have said! I would have gotten you something" she said as she opened the passenger door.

"Oh you don't have to. Honestly I'm just a body guard" I laughed and started to drive.

"Raven you're so much more than that. To all of us, especially Billie" I briefly looked at her as I drove.

"You make her really happy Raven, you've honestly saved our lives countless times, all around made our family stronger." I started to tear up slightly at her words. "Whatever you girls decide to do, I'm grateful she has you in her life" she put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

"Thank you so much" I whispered and wiped away the tears, thank god for waterproof make up. We pulled up to the gate and I noticed some more security here tonight, but I brushed it off because I cant complain about more security. We parked up and got the bags, when we walked into the middle house it was dead quiet. I placed the bags down and looked around confused. Maggie just smiled at me and walked towards the back door which had a curtain hanging from it, so I couldn't see what was out there. I raised an eyebrow when she walked out it and I cautiously pulled it back and took a step outside.

"SURPRISE" I heard erupt from all the people in front of me. I put my hands over my mouth and looked around laughing. My eyes scanned Billies family then I saw my friends from back home. I let out a massive scream and ran over to them. Alex, Lucy and Callum all pulled me into a group hug and I started crying again. I gave them all individual hugs as music started playing and other people started talking amongst themselves. I looked around and saw Rob and his husband, I ran over and pulled them into a massive hug

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