Chapter 22: Drop them.

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It has been a few hours since I was arrested, I'm in complete shock. They have just left me in a cell, no one has talked to me yet, which is fine because I need Lucinda here. I assume she has been notified and she is on her way.

"Aren't I entitled to a phone call?" I asked against the door of the cell. Silence. What the fuck is going on here?

I sat back down and put my head in my hands, I just cant believe Q is pressing charges against me. Suddenly the door to my cell unlocks and a massive guy walked in.

"You're wanted for questioning, give me your hands" he spoke in a monotone voice. I rolled my eyes and stood up, presenting my hands and he cuffed them. The feeling of cuffs was unfamiliar to me, I was usually the one putting these on people.

We walked into a room and Lucinda was sat there and she looked pissed, I huffed and sat down.

"What the fuck have you done?" She sighed as the officer walked out.

"I did nothing wrong" I claimed and sat back in the seat, looking down at my cuffed hands.

"Not according to witnesses and these pictures of the injuries you caused" she said and pushed a bunch of pictures of Q's face and neck to me.

"He fucking deserved them" I said, now getting angry.

"You assured me that your relationship with Billie was not going to effect your job" she started "but now look, you almost killed this man" I stared at her dumbfounded.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You think I did this to him just because of Billie" my voice slightly raised. "You think I wouldn't have done this if I had walked in on a guy sexually assaulting some other girl" I stared at her as I spoke. 

"Billie and I's relationship is not the issue here. It's Brandon Adams. He took advantage of Billie, who was under the influence of alcohol. He was not." I explained and she took notes of what I was saying.

"I would have done exactly the same if I saw this happen to a random girl...or person" I explained and she looked at me.

"We were not told about the sexual assault, we were told you got jealous because Billie kissed Brandon" she explained.

"I want my phone call" I said not looking at her, I felt her stare but she got up and left the room. A few minutes later an officer collected me and walked me to the phones. I'm so glad I have good memory when it comes to numbers, and I remember looking up Q's number in Billies phone. I punched in the numbers and waited for the ring tone, I said my name when promoted and it began to ring.

"Why the fuck are you calling me?" Q said through the phone.

"Because you're going to drop the charges" I said simply.

"Why the fuck would I do that?" He laughed slightly.

"Listen carefully, the reason I beat the shit out of you was because you sexually assaulted Billie. Your hands were all over her, she was fucking drunk out of her mind. You knew that. She didn't know what she was doing but you did" I explained. There was silence on his end, clearly processing.

"You got no proof" he said.

"I have witnesses, lots of witnesses. I'm also an officer if you had forgotten. This whole business is corrupt, so do you honestly think anything bad will happen to me for beating up some low life?" I chuffed. I hate using that because Fuck 12 and all that, but right now he needed to understand. 

"Be my guest and continue with the charges, but it'll get worse for you before it even gets bad for me" I said and hung up.

A few hours go by and I'm in my cell pacing. I'm sure Billie will go to court for me, but what would that do to her career. Shit the paps already know I'm arrested, they saw me leaving the apartment in cuffs.

My cell door unlocked and the same officer from before entered. 

"You're free to go" he said and I looked at him confused. "The charges were dropped and your name has been cleared" he rolled his eyes "do you wanna go or not?" He huffed.

I quickly got up and walked out the cell "alright don't get your hair off" i smirked and looked up at his obvious lack of hair.
I grabbed my stuff from the desk and left, hailing a taxi to take me back to the apartment.

I went to text Billie but my phone was dead, I gave the driver Billies parents address because I assumed she would go back there.

Eventually we pulled up there and I got out, seeing Billies car. She was here, I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Hey sweetie!" Maggie said and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Maggie" I smiled back.

"Billie just left with Drew" she explained "are you okay? She said you had been arrested, she was pretty mad and left in a right angry state" she said and laughed softly.

"Yeah I'm all good now, do you know where she has gone?" I questioned.

"I think she said something about getting 'him' to 'drop the charges'. I didn't really pay attention, when she gets like that its best to ignore her" she said and my eyes widened.

"Oh...okay. I gotta go. Ill see you later" I shouted as I ordered another Uber.

Billies POV

Me and Drew pulled up to Q's house. This piece of shit is about to get rocked. I cant believe he pressed charges after the shit he pulled. I got out the car and he was stood in the front garden with some friends.

"Oh hey sexy" he said with a smile as he saw me. This bitch ass clown.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I said and got right up in his face, well I tried. My short ass could barley reach his face. I shoved him back slightly.

"Hey mamas what you doing?" He said and laughed.

"Why the fuck did you press charges? You fucking snitch" I said and shoved him again. "Drop them or ill fucking do a lot worse than Raven did" I said and stared him down. Drew was keeping back but was pushing his friends away if they came close to me. She always got my back dude.

"I already fucking dropped them" he said. 

"Bullshit" I seethed, I turned around when I heard a car pull up. It was Raven, she got out and ran over.

"Hey baby what are you doing?" She said with a smile. God she is so damn fine.

"See your bitch is out, now fuck off" Q said, I turned back to look at him.

"I never wanna see you again" I shouted and slapped his face. I turned to raven who had a proud smile on her face. Drew, Raven and I all walked back to the car and got in. The drive back to my parents house was quiet. I never really told Raven about Q, I never felt I needed to and she didn't seem bothered about my past. She always said that what matters is we are together now and we will work on a future together. Ive never been soft for anyone, but she really does make my heart flutter just by smiling at me.

After a few hours at my parents, Drew went home and Raven and I went back to her place. We were currently sat watching some random ass TV which I turned off.

"You okay baby?" She asked and looked at me.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you" I smiled at her.

"For what?" She asked.

"For sticking up for me at Q's. And everything else, I just don't know what I did to deserve someone like you" I shrugged.

"You don't need to thank me Eilish" she chuckled and I rolled my eyes at the annoying name she has used since we met. "Bil, you save my life everyday. You give me a reason to keep going and a purpose in this crazy fucking world" she smiled at me. I leant over and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I love you" I whispered.

"Move in with me" she said back and I looked at her confused. "I mean you practically already live here, so just move in...if you want" she smiled and I kissed her again.

"Of course I want to" I smiled into the kiss. I can honestly say I've never been happier in my life.

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