Chapter 18: Surprise

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I felt like being cute with the way Im gunna surprise Billie. I'm currently walking off the plane, just landed in the states so I can be with Billie for her show tonight. I got an Uber and went to the hotel, I knew Billie was at sound check so didn't have to worry about bumping into her. Maggie was in on it and she left a key for Billies room at the reception.
I got in there and smiled when I saw all her things, for some reason just knowing that I'm gunna be holding her soon gives me butterflies. I jump into the shower to freshen up. I get dressed in my usual gear, except I added a black baseball hat, black sunglasses and a long sleeve thermal to hide my tattoos. I popped on a black mask and I was completely unrecognisable. I strolled out the hotel with a slight skip in my step because of the excitement coursing through me.

I finally got to the venue and I saw all her fans slowly walking into the building. I went to the back and walked to the green room, where I took over from the guy that had been doing my job whilst I was away. I knew him well and I will most likely have him on my team.

"She needs to be out in 20 minutes" he said and smiled at me and I just nodded. I heard loud laughing coming from Billie, and I couldn't help but smile. I walked into the room and stood on the inside next to the door. She looked back to me but focused back on her phone. I just watched her for a bit and then heard in my ear piece that it was time to get her to stage side.

"Miss Eilish, you're needed on stage" I said in an American accent, which I had mastered. She nodded and stood up along with Finneas. I walked them to the stage side an felt Billies eyes on me the whole time. Did she know? She didn't act like she knew. We waited stage side for her cue.

"Good luck" I whispered and she smiled slightly at me. She walked onto stage as 'bad guy' erupted through the stadium and her fans went nuts.  She did a mix of songs from each album, including her more recent singles 'everything I wanted' and 'therefore I am' which might I add she looked incredible sexy performing.

I stayed and watched her, chatting with Maggie who at first didn't recognise me. Billie said goodbye to her fans and jogged towards me. I escorted them into the green room and they all shared hugs. She sat at the table and went live on instagram, I was stood in the background and her back was to me.

"Hey guys" she said with a smile as thousands of people tuned in to watch her. I smiled to myself and went onto her live from my phone, so I could read the comments. I muted the sound so she couldn't hear it.

Bilsbitch: Yoooo mamas!!! How was the show?

Notyourfriend: chile...who is that stood in the back? Isn't that Raven?

Eilishsgirl: You're so hawtttt Billie Elizabeth I cannnttttt breathhhhhhheeee 🥵

"No that isn't Raven guys" she said as more comments noticed me. "She is still in the UK for now, but I'm sure she will be my body guard again soon" she hummed and smiled.

Raven_Midnight: Dayum Billie, your new body guard is fine as fuck.🤤

I typed into the chat and waited for her to realise.

"Raven, why are you on here? Isn't it like 3am there?" She laughed and looked back at me. I quickly hid my phone and she turned back around. "Yeah she is kinda fine" she said and laughed.

Bbybillie: Did anyone see her hide her phone? She ain't slick.

Iloandmilo: Are you and Raven together? Don't give us any BS

I laughed at the comments calling me out but quickly shut up when Fin looked at me confused.

Raven_Midnight: I'm not in the UK ....

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