1. His

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I shook my head slightly as my heart slammed into my stomach, sure I was dreaming, sure this couldn't possibly be real. For a moment, I felt like a deer caught in headlights; yet I really wasn't as surprised as much as I was horrified by the fact my instincts had been right all along.

I had been purchased by the man of my worst nightmares.

The owner was now my owner.

He was never really going to let me go, not even to another person. I only wondered what the final straw was that had solidified the decision, but I realized it didn't matter. I was fucked beyond recognition, but at least, I knew exactly who and what I was dealing with – my single silver lining.

The owner glanced at the guard still standing in the room and motioned with his head for him to leave. The moment he walked out the door, I felt the chill of panic and terror slowly start to sink in. Everything was about to get real ugly real fast, especially with that sick look my new "owner" was giving me. I wanted to wipe it right off his gorgeous smug face ... with a cheese grater.

"Now, before we go," he said heading over to me with heavy, determined steps. I stood up immediately, fear and rage boiling inside me as my hands raised at the ready, but before my fists were even closed, his strong fingers were already wrapped around my upper arms and pushing me back toward the desk. "I have something for you." He smirked.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled as I moved to strike him, but he just maneuvered me like a rag doll and forced me facedown onto the desk behind us. I felt my stomach shrink as pain exploded in the right side of my face. He handled me with much more force than he usually did—not a single hint of hesitation. He didn't have to hold back anymore, and the realization made my heart pulse with anxiety.

His hand then reached around my head, clamping down on my mouth and the entire lower half of my face inadvertently. Tightening his grip, he nearly squeezed my face until it felt like my jaw would snap. I screamed and fought, but it only came out as a muffled sound.

"Allow me to let you in on a little something," he seethed in my ear from behind. "Whatever restrictions I had for myself around you before are now gone, which means if I want to break your jaw ..." he said as he squeezed even harder. I screamed as I clawed at his hand and wrist, praying he would let go. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, and I couldn't even think. "I fucking will because I can. Because I officially own you now."

My nails dug into his skin, sure I would cause him to bleed, but it did nothing. Until his grip finally let up, his hand remained in place, unyielding in his strength. I whimpered with relief, attempting to calm my breathing as tears began to form in my eyes. But I refused to let them fall. I could get through this.

"Do you understand me, Jaden?" he asked harshly.

Hearing my name on his tongue sent a strange vibe through my system, pulsing straight up my back and plunging right into my stomach. I didn't like the feeling. His voice and my name didn't mix well. They felt wrong, like breaking physics wrong, and it disgusted me to the core.

"I said do you understand or do you only respond to slave now?" he roared, the pressure returning to my face from his reinforced grip. I screamed again, nodding as hard as I could with what little movement I had left.

"Good girl," he said and released my face but kept my body bent in front of him over the desk. I gasped for air, my heart racing in my chest as I tried to calm myself and keep the tears from spilling. "Now, if you can behave for one second, we might actually be able to get something important accomplished."

He then lifted a black leather briefcase from the floor and placed it on the desk in front of me. Unhooking the latches, he lifted the lid and confusion came over me.

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