9. Company

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Ten seconds after the front door closed, my cuffs deactivated and my wrists and ankles were finally free. I breathed a small sigh of relief as I listened to the car pull out of the circle drive. I was finally away from him, even though it was just an illusion. I knew Darren could still see me and could probably hear me as well.

Just then, the scent of eggs filled the air and my mouth instantly began to salivate even as my stomach protested big time. Placing the plate containing a still too large veggie omelet down before me, David returned to the kitchen without a word. He didn't even look at me. He must have known better, unlike me.

Not wanting to withstand the sting in my ass any longer, I swiftly stood and paced back and forth in front of the table looking down at the omelet I did not intend to touch. I knew very well that Darren would be pissed if I didn't finish it, but the realization that his control over me didn't require his immediate presence bothered me more than it should.

My appetite was officially gone, having been taken over by the large knots twisting away inside my stomach, not to mention the pain still stinging my ass, but I knew I would need my strength for later. I somehow managed to finish half the omelet, fumbling with Darren's stupid large-ass fork while standing, and decided I had made a diligent effort to eat it; that would have to be enough for now. I wasn't sure what to do with my plate, but Darren had left his coffee mug on the table, so I figured someone would take care of it.

I headed to the foyer and stopped in the middle of it to study my surroundings, but the rays of the sun shining through the window caught my attention. I looked out the window of the front door and envied the freedom of the tiny finches that splashed around in the fountain of the circle drive. I wished I could fly away from here too, but there was no more flight in my survival code; there was only fight now.

As I leaned against the window, I heard a slight cough far behind me. I turned immediately before the sound finished leaving whoever's lips they were and found a man, dressed in all black standing just beyond the foyer. He had short black hair, a short trimmed black beard, and was just as tall and muscled as Darren. I had a feeling this was Scott.

"I'd get upstairs if I were you," he pointed, his low rough voice scratching in my ears.

Yeah, he must be Darren's head of security. I scowled at him and sighed heavily as he turned his back to me and walked away. So now, I had another man telling me what to do while Darren was gone? I supposed someone had to be present to enforce his rules until I learned to obey them properly. It had only been ten minutes since he left, and I was still being pushed around.

I thought about going after the guard, as I was sure he had a gun somewhere on his person. If I eliminated him as a threat, I could make my way to the security room. I was sure there was one on the estate. Maybe then I could tamper with some shit and get this fucking collar off and the fuck out of here, but then I was positive Darren would see, activate my collar, and I'd wake up somewhere in a state much more horrible than I could imagine. I had only one true target, and I hoped that if I severed the head from the body, the rest of the beast would fall.

Turning to the stairs, I headed for my room and slammed the door behind me. I circled my room, wondering what in the hell I was going to do until 1 p.m., pissed off that I was trapped in this tiny confinement of mine.

Realizing the only thing I really wanted to do at this moment, I grabbed the Nike shoes that had been tossed carelessly by the side of my bed, noticing the fragments of dirt on the soles and not giving a single shit about it. I rummaged through my drawers, and to my surprise, I found a simple, bright pink t-shirt and found the skorts Darren had mentioned at the bottom of the dresser. They would have to do.

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