10. Reality

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Darren showed me all around the mansion, keeping my hand in his the entire time. Even when I pulled to get a better look at something, he refused to let go or even let me walk any farther away from him. I felt like a dog on a leash.

The house had about a dozen bedrooms, fourteen bathrooms, and four offices. I learned that my room was on the east wing of the mansion and Darren's was on the west wing. He did not show me which room was his, though. I guess I would have to wait to find out. As we walked through the halls, I found it difficult to keep up with where we were. I had a feeling if I hadn't stayed close to Darren, I would have gotten lost. I also noticed how masculine all the furnishings and decor was, as if the entire house was created in Darren's image. I was glad that my room was lacking in that department.

The upstairs also had a built-in movie theater with lots of comfy couches and chairs. I was allowed to watch any movie or TV show I wanted, and if the selections were lacking, I could make requests. There was even a little snack bar for popcorn.

Every now and then, I would see one or two men walking around the house dressed in black fitted military gear. Seeing them made me a little nervous for some reason, but I made sure Darren didn't catch me staring at them by attempting to look the other way. No need to cause trouble at the moment.

As we went downstairs, I was finally able to take in the large living room with a spectacular view of the ocean from the wall of windows. A massive cobblestone fireplace stood off against the wall with sleek black leather couches, glass coffee tables, a large flat-screen TV, and a white Persian rug completing the scene. The kitchen was a chef's dream with all stainless steel appliances, dark marble countertops, and dark wood cabinets.

There was a basement down the hall that led off from the living room containing a fully stocked bar and kitchen, pool table, entertainment system, another fireplace, and brown leather couches.

Downstairs also contained a weight room with many punching bags, exercise machines, weights, and plenty of mirrors everywhere. There was even an octagonal fighting cage in the corner of the room along with grappling mats covering a good twenty square feet. Damn. As we entered the gym, we passed several men grappling and lifting weights, but they paid no attention to us and Darren paid no attention to them. I guess this was also where his guards trained when they were off duty. Darren showed me the locker room, showers, and sauna that was all attached. As we left, I noticed another door at the opposite end of the room that he had yet to show me.

"What about that door?" I asked. I assumed it was a closet, but I wanted to be sure of everything in this house.

He sighed heavily at me but gave in to my demand.

"I'm only showing you this to put your curiosity at ease." He tugged me along to the door and stopped right in front of it. "But know this. If I ever catch you in here or lingering at the door for too long, you will be punished severely, do you understand?"

"Yes," I said a little confused. Jesus, what the fuck was he keeping in there?

He gave me one last warning look, and I knew he was serious. He opened the door with a fingerprint scanner and led me inside, tightening his grip on my hand. Inside was a very barren room with glossy wooden floors, mats, more mirrored walls, and more hanging punching bags. There were also several variations of Wing Chun dummies and at least five cork dart boards screwed into the walls. But then I noticed what was hanging on the wall closest to me and my jaw nearly hit the floor.

Weapons. Lots of them. Not guns or rifles, no, these were weapons for a martial artist and my mouth dropped in envy at the vast selection he had in his possession. There were several sets of katanas strategically placed on the walls and various bo staffs standing tall in a beautiful wooden rack, some for show and some for actual battle. There were even sais, commas, arnis, nunchakus, shurikens and small throwing knives all hanging from the walls. I could feel my hands twitching to get a hold of one of them. It all looked so beautiful and tempting.

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