25. Sorry

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I woke up on something cold and hard and came to realize I was lying in my cage. Again. Damn, I had been doing so well. My eyes adjusted to the small light that filtered down on me, and it was then I saw the strips of plastic wrap around my wrists with smudgy black ink hiding underneath it. Gingerly, I pulled the plastic away and looked down at the glossy covered words that burned my eyes to tears. There, perfectly squared in the middle of the inside of both my wrists and written in big, black script, was Darren's new trademark.

 There, perfectly squared in the middle of the inside of both my wrists and written in big, black script, was Darren's new trademark

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In a moment of complete and utter defeat, I laid the front of my forehead down on the floor of the cage. Tears began to leak from my eyes, and I immediately slammed my fists down onto the floor of the cage, my rage now overcoming me. It had happened, and knowing Darren's name would always be there to remind me shattered my soul into tiny wretched pieces. Even if I did escape him one day, I would still always belong to him. I was nothing more than an object with a label for all to see.

I hated my existence, hated myself, hated Darren, and hated God, Buddha, or whoever the fuck else was responsible for my fate and putting me through this. I had to have died in that shootout weeks ago, and I was in my own personal Hell. That was the only explanation I had for what had become of my life.

For the longest time, I just laid there, my wrists limp out in front of me as they burned and ached from that bastard needle. Tears drained from my eyes every now and then as I contemplated how little I meant in this world. My existence was nothing if not dependent on Darren's commands to validate me. I was meant for more than this. I had wanted to do so much more with my life, and I'd make damn sure I did when I got the fuck out of here. Right after I scheduled an appointment for laser tattoo removal.

I pushed myself off the floor of the cage, leaned back against the bars, and waited for Darren to come back. I knew I was in for a world of pain for defying him the way I had, but I didn't care. As far as I was concerned, Darren Davis could eat his own dick.

About another half an hour later, in strolled Darren with his hands in his pockets looking perfectly pleased with himself.

"How's my princess doing?" he teased as he stepped in front of the cage and looked down at me.

"Go fuck yourself, Darren," I spat.

"Still feisty as ever." He smiled. "But not for long."

"Why the fuck are you so hell-bent on breaking me down, huh? You're kidding yourself if you think you'll find any satisfaction in me if I'm nothing but a submissive little bitch."

"You think I don't know how to train you to be exactly what I want?" he asked amused. "That's adorable. The first and most important part of your conditioning is for you know exactly who's in control and whom you belong to. Once you finally get that in your head, we can go from there."

"Well, I fucking get it, okay," I said, flashing the underside of my wrists. "You win."

"Oh, I know I've won. I won the moment you came into my possession, but the problem here is I'm still not sure you believe it." He smirked turning his head to the side and regarding me closely.

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