Chapter 21: movies and eggnog

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We're six days into this festive month, and every single day since the first, Lauren has bugged us all, persuading us to come shopping with her. I personally think it's a little too early, but finally we've all given into her whining, and we're finally doing it today.

This morning, I didn't even want to leave my bed but nevertheless, here I am, driving us to Target. Since it's Friday, this is the only day I don't have classes or work, yet I can't have a lie in because I have Lauren as a friend. It's really not fair.

"Why did I have to come with you guys?" I ask, taking a right turn out of the campus.

"Because this is a roommate thing, if you didn't come, it wouldn't be as fun. Also your car stupidly has the biggest trunk for the stuff." Lauren says, smiling over at me. Even though I have a small car, she's right, my trunk is bigger. The interior is still teeny though. Lauren's in the front seat, and Matt is in the back, currently in a mood with her because she called shot gun before he did.

"What are we even getting?" Hanna asks before I can ask the exact question.

"Everything." She shrugs carelessly, and my head spins right round to her.

"Everything?" I ask.

"Yeah, you know; Christmas tree, lights, decorations, and all that." She says.

"Are we still doing movie night?" Matt asks, his tone coming across somewhat normal but I can tell he's still in a mood with her.

"Yeah, we've got either Home Alone, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, or The Polar Express." Hanna says, and I smile at all the options. I really don't care which one we watch because I love them all.

"Can Kieran come over?" He asks us all wearily, and if I weren't driving, I would look back to see his face because I already know he's blushing. He's been doing that a lot lately, but I'm not one to judge, my cheeks deceive me at every moment they can.

"Yeah. Hanna, you can invite Jack and Wes, if you want. We'll get some drinks." Lauren tells her.

"Frankie, are you inviting Ethan?" Hanna asks me.

"Well, if everyone else is coming, I will." I say, hoping that Ethan will be free tonight. He's been pretty busy this week with training, but we've spent some time together. He came to work yesterday and we hung out after for a while, but we've not slept together since the weekend because for the last four days, I've been on my period, one of which has not fucked off yet.

"Okay, we'll get everyone together, it'll be nice. I'll bake cookies." Lauren says, and a smile etches its way onto my face. Lauren's cookies are the best... but don't tell Hanna.

"I'll ask Kieran, but please don't be embarrassing." Matt says.

"Us! You're going to be the one who will be embarrassing me with Ethan." I accuse.

"True, but truce for tonight." He sticks his pinky finger through the middle console, and I quickly wrap mine around his.

"Fine, but I'm kicking your ass if you dare break it." I tell him.

"Why would you care if we embarrass you anyway, I thought you and Kieran were just sleeping together?" Hanna teases, and I can't help laugh. We all know there's something going on there, more than just sex. They've been doing this three months now, and I can tell when Matt likes someone, it's very clear.

"Shut up." He says, and then it starts, the bickering.

I'm one of the youngest, yet here I am, driving us all to Target whilst the eldest are in the back, bickering like children. Hanna is quite chill during these drives, and usually just listens to music through her earphones and smokes a joint, but apparently, he keeps kicking her, and now they're arguing over t-shirts. I can't really keep up with them two, but again, on any other day, I am the one in Hanna's position.

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