Chapter 29: a friendly face

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"Abby!" I exclaim, throwing my leg over the bench before I make my way over to her.

"Oh my God, you look so beautiful. Jesus, I've missed you." She engulfs me in a hug, and I tuck my chin into her neck, hugging her back.

I haven't seen her since July; five months is way too long.

"I've missed you too." I say, not really believing that I'm hugging her right now.

"Who is that hot chunk of meat?" She whispers close to my ear, and I smile pulling back.

"Um, he's Ethan, my- well, there's not a label right now." I say awkwardly, hating that I can't call him my boyfriend. I know I could ask him, but I know how he is with commitment and I don't want to scare him away. I really like what we are right now.

"You're joking, wow, he's an upgrade." She mutters, and I slap her shoulder, scolding her. "Still that feisty bitch I've always known. But seriously, he's hot."

"I'm aware. Do you wanna come over, we have some lunch? But hands off the churros." I warn her, and she raises her hands up in defense.

"Ethan!" Abby says in a sing-song tune, and I laugh as she wraps her around the back of his shoulders, and I can see him visibly tense.

"Ethan that's Abby, Abby let him breathe." I say, and Ethan widens his eyes at me. "Don't worry, she's not a mental patient escapee."

"You know, you've gotten rude." Abby scoffs, taking a seat next to Ethan and I roll my eyes as I sit across from them.

"Um, hi?" Ethan questions her, I'm guessing as to why she's sat next to him.

"Hello buttercup, aren't you sweet?" She beams at him, and he darts his attention to me, only making me laugh. Yeah, I've missed her. "Don't look like a scared puppy, I'm harmless really. So, what's happening? You still fighting with Paul the prick?"

Oh fuck.

"Paul?" Ethan asks looking concerned.

"My dad - and I don't know, I haven't spoken with him since I left for college. So you could say we're silently fighting." I tell her, hoping to God she won't mention the incident in front of Ethan. She's the only person aside from family who know because she was there.

"If it makes you feel better, I never liked him." She mutters, taking a couple of the nachos from the dish, and I burst out laughing. "No offence. No offence. I know he's your dad, but what he did was fucked up and you know it."

"It's in the past." I say, my eyes wide urging her to drop it and thankfully she catches on.

"So, what else has been happening?" She asks, looking hopeful.

"Um, nothing much. Ooh, wait, I've been going to the gym." I say with a smile, and her jaw may as well be on the floor. Same, girl, same.

"Why?" She blurts out.

"My fault, my father kind of owns the place and I dragged her with me one day." Ethan says, and this is the only time I'm hearing him refer to Scar as his father. I know everyone else is led to believe he's biologically Scar's, but I've never heard him say it.

"Really? I mean it's cool that your dad owns the gym but taking her to it is not a good idea, she's probably fall all over the place." She smiles at him, and I ignore that she's making fun of me because only now do I realize the ring on her finger.

"Um, Abby, do you have something you want to tell me?" I ask, giving her an accusing look.

She looks at me, then down to her hand where I'm directing my eyes back and forth.

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