Chapter 22: *nirvana*

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Silence, it's unusually peaceful. The only thing audible is our shallow breathing. Ethan's arm wrapping around my naked waist as I lay on his, but so peaceful.

"Are you cold?" He murmurs.

"A little, why?" I look up at him, and he smiles cheekily as he stares down at my chest. I push him away at the shoulder and pull the sheet up slightly, as I shake my head. "Jesus."

"Don't hide from me." He says, his voice slightly whiny and I raise my brows at him.

"I'm cold, fuck off." I mutter, and he chuckles running his fingers through my hair, close to my scalp. I sigh, feeling comforted by the simple pleasure.

"I know a way to get you all warm." He murmurs, delicately leaving a kiss on my neck, following a little pattern down my collar bone. A quiet whimper escapes me, and I look up at him, reaching my delicate hand up to his face.

"You know I can't." I say, hating to even deny him of this. Yes, we may be naked in bed together, but I am sadly still on my period. Well, I was when I last checked, twenty or so minutes ago. Only lightly but still, I'm never doing anything with anyone whilst that's happening, I don't care how 'comfortable' they feel with it, I certainly aren't.

"I don't know, I think I can get you off without even touching you there." He tells me, his voice low and torturous, kissing just under my earlobe and I gasp when he runs his tongue over it.

"I'd like to see you try." I whisper, and he raises his brows at me.

"Is that a challenge? Because, I well and truly accept." He says and I bite down on my lip. I wonder what he has in store.

"Matt and everyone are just outside." I warn him.

"Well, you'll just have to be quiet, won't you?" He taunts, and I slowly nod. "Can I touch your clit or is that in the no-go zone too? Either way, I can still do this."

"Yeah, you can, but kiss me." I mutter, and his lips are on mine as soon as I ask. The familiar stir of butterflies awaken, and he eases my leg up over his waist, opening my legs for him.

"You're beautiful." He moves the fallen hair out of my face, kissing me again when I smile at the compliment. I kiss him back, slowly and sensually whilst his hands make their way down my body. I'm not nervous but definitely apprehensive for this.

"Mmm, whatever you do, don't pull a string." I whisper and he chuckles against my lips, dropping his forehead on mine.

"I'm not stupid, of course I won't." He assures and I gasp when his hand brushes my chest, and he smiles when he notices my reaction.

My whole body is in sensory overload because of my hormones, but he doesn't seem to mind, in fact he's loving my overly effective response to his touching.

He kisses my lips softly before moving his body, slowly maneuvering to hover over me as he trails open mouth kisses down my jaw, before surpassing my collar bone to my chest. My back arches, and I squeeze my legs together only slightly when I feel an aroused pressure between them.

Last night, after the movies, we were in bed talking and I let him go through my jewelry box that is kept at the side of my bed, and to my disappointment, he wouldn't let me pierce his nipple. Honestly, I don't blame him because first of all, I wouldn't have a clue what I would be doing, and second, when I had showed him how to insert the bars into my already pierced ones, he looked like he was going to pass out. Apparently big tattoo guy doesn't like needles which I find hilarious considering.

He had decided to give my left nipple a black bar, and then my right one a bright neon yellow. The decision for that, I'm still unsure of because it's a little random.

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