Chapter 5 - Welcoming Party

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It's been a week since Maverick became the base commander of Azur Lane. He is now at the airstrip waiting for his friend Lt. Cdr. Johnny "Magnum" Monroe to arrive with his Nissan Skyline GTR-34. Moments later a C-17 Globemaster is approaching the manmade island base. It's pilot communicates with the air traffic control tower to request permission to land.

????: Tower this is Angel Mail 273-9 requesting permission to land.

Takao: "This is Azur Lane air traffic control tower. Permission granted. You may proceed to runway 4."

Capt. Williams: Roger that.

The aircraft makes its way to the designated runway and begins a gentle approach. The pilot presses the landing gear button as his plane makes a gradual descent. Maverick, who's waiting in the hangar watches the aircraft land on the runway. The airplane makes a smooth landing on the tarmac.

The pilot then taxis it towards the hangar where Maverick is waiting. He stops right in front of the hangar. A soldier sitting in the cargo area of the plane presses a button opening the cargo bay hatch.

Maverick walks towards the back of the plane as the hatch that also doubles as a ramp stops going down. He sees his black Nissan Skyline GTR-34 safely fastened to the floor. Two soldiers remove the safety gears from the car. However Maverick notices that his best friend and wingman is not with the air crew that delivered his car. He decides to ask them where his wingman is.

Maverick: Excuse me!

????: Yes sir?

Maverick: What's your name private?

????: Private Roman Andrews sir.

Maverick: Pvt. Andrews do you know why my wingman is not with you in this trip?

Pvt. Andrews: Lt. Cdr. Monroe says that he is currently busy preparing for patrol duties with a new wingman sir. So he begged off to join us on this trip.

Maverick: I see. Well if you see him again. Tell him to drop by here when he's not busy.

Pvt. Andrews: Understood sir!

Maverick gets in his car and drives it off the cargo plane. The pilot of the Globemaster then taxis the huge plane back to the runway and prepares for take off. He radios the tower that he is going to leave the base in a few seconds.

Capt. Williams: Tower this is Angel Mail 273-9. Ready for take off.

Takao: "Angel Mail 273-9 you're cleared for take off."

Capt. Williams: Roger that tower. Thank you for your hospitality.

Meanwhile back at Azur Lane headquarters. The ship girls are currently discussing about throwing a welcoming party for Maverick. Almost all of them are in the dining area of the main headquarters. Enterprise didn't bother to join them and instead looks out the window of her room. She's watching Maverick drive his car towards the office at breakneck speed.

Azur Lane: The Hotshot Pilot Turned CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now