Chapter 9 - Inadequacies

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As the younger ship girls concentrate on their studies. The adults are busy with their usual routines. Some are busy tending their shops. Others are teaching the young ones about lessons similar to the humans. While the rest are with Hood and Bismarck thinking of strategies to counter Siren attacks. As well as offensive strategies. On the other hand Wales is busy conversing with Maverick about some items that the base needs to make sure that there will be minimal damage just in case the Sirens attack all of a sudden.

Moments later Maverick contacts the air traffic control tower to give a specific instruction to Takao and Atago.

Takao: "Air traffic control tower. Takao speaking."

Maverick: Good morning Miss Takao. This is Lt. Cdr. Fernandez.

Takao: "Good morning too sir! What can I do for you sir?"

Maverick: I called to give you and Miss Atago a little job.

Takao: "And what would that be sir?"

Maverick: I want you to press the air raid alarm right now.

Takao: "Set off the alarm? But why sir? There's no sign of a threat right now."

Maverick: Are questioning my orders? I want to know how ready you girls are in case the enemy attacks without warning.

Takao: "I understand sir. I'm sorry for questioning your order sir."

Maverick: It's ok. So I assume that you're going to do what I ordered you and Atago to do.

Takao: "Yes sir. I will relay the order to Atago at once."

Maverick: Good. Do it right now.

Takao: "Yes sir."

Maverick: Good. Cdr. Fernandez out.

Takao: "Roger. Over and out."

Moments later Atago asks Takao who just called.

Atago: Who was that Takao?

Takao: Our new base commander.

Atago: What does he want from us?

Takao: He wants us to sound the alarm.

Atago: Sound the alarm? But why?

Takao: Remember what he said earlier?

Atago: Oh yeah. He mentioned about fleet readiness drills.

Takao: It looks like he wants to start it now.

As the two ship girls continue to discuss about the order. Maverick is now on the rooftop of the headquarters observing the waters with a pair of binoculars. Enterprise is beside him holding a pen and paper. Wales, Hood, and Bismarck are still busy with their duties. Maverick suddenly notices something about the entire base as he looks from one side of the other. And it is something that will make him question about the construction of the base. Minutes later Atago hits the alarm.

Pretty soon the ship girls go into action. The young ones are evacuated from the building. The teenager ship girls and the adults get ready to open fire. However they are all surprised to see that there's no enemy in sight. But they remember what the hotshot pilot said about fleet readiness drills. A group of ship girls quickly take to the sea. While the aircraft carriers immediately launch their aircraft. This didn't surprised Maverick as he noticed that some of the ship girls are up to the challenge of stopping whatever they do just to defend the base from any sudden attack.

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