Chapter 15 - Returning Feeling

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It's been a week since Maverick and Enterprise left for the United States to talk to Defense Secretary Metcalf. With his request now pending approval. He decides to make the most of his time in Washington DC. Maverick wakes up earlier than usual and looks at the calendar. He looks at what day it is today. He soon realizes that it's the most important date of his life. The day he was born. He begins to have mixed emotions about his birthday. In other words, he is both happy and sad about it.

Happy, coz he is still able to celebrate it again. Sad coz of the fact that the girl he loved once is no longer available to celebrate with him. He then looks at Enterprise who seems to resemble his late girlfriend. This puts a cute smile on the face of the hotshot pilot. He's made a vow of not falling in love with someone else. Whether he keeps that vow or not it's all up to him. Maverick decides to wake the sleeping beauty with a kiss on her lips. The ship girl wakes up giggling because of the hotshot pilot's kiss.

 The ship girl wakes up giggling because of the hotshot pilot's kiss

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Maverick stops kissing and apologizes for doing such a thing to her.

Maverick: I'm sorry Entey. I didn't mean to kiss you. It's just that I miss Samantha so much. Until now I still feel responsible for her untimely death.

Enterprise: It's ok commander. I love it anyway. It's my first time to experienced being kissed in the morning. Normally Belfast would wake me up by opening the window of my room and let the sun blind my eyes a little bit.

Maverick: Didn't I tell you to call me Doodzki when we're not in Azur Lane headquarters?

Enterprise: I'm sorry Doodzki. It is a force of habit. I'm so used to calling a person in authority commander.

Doodzki: It's ok Entey. I will let it slide for now. But next time you should only call me commander when we're in headquarters and when I am in my office.

Enterprise: Of course Doodzki.

Doodzki: Go take a shower. I'm going to order breakfast. And then you and I will go on a tour outside of Washington DC.

Enterprise: Ok Doodzki. But why are you so excited about this day? It's just an ordinary day for me.

Doodzki: It's my birthday today. That's why I'm so excited about this day. I guess you never experienced something like this before.

Enterprise: I haven't actually experienced what it feels like to celebrate something like birthdays or anniversaries. All my life as both a ship and a ship girl I only fought for freedom of humanity.

Doodzki: I see..... When you were a ship. Your launch day was October 3, 1936. Am I correct?

Enterprise: Yes you are correct.

Doodzki: Then that makes it technically your birthday.

Enterprise: Really? I thought that my birthday was the day I was constructed.

Doodzki: Nah that's what we call in human terms as fetal development. You were being gradually constructed.

Enterprise: I see..... So that means we are going to celebrate my launch day. I mean my birthday always too. Right?

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