Chapter 19 - Special Package

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While Maverick and Enterprise are currently in the air. The USS Theodore Roosevelt together with his surface and underwater escorts arrive at the Azur Lane naval station. The ship girls of the man made island base are shocked and confused to see the Nimitz class aircraft carrier at their port. Many couldn't hide their curiosity and started running towards the nuclear powered aircraft carrier. As the ship slowly approaches the docks of Azur Lane. Cleveland who is always at the pier. Also gets curious about the incoming ship. She decides to run to the ports and wait for the massive ship to dock. The other girls decided to just wait on the pier and not go skating towards the ship. They know that their action might be misunderstood as an attack. And this could result in a massacre as they are no match for the modern warships.

The ships begin their gradual approach to the docks. Cleveland decides to leave and go straight to the headquarters. She knows that Prince of Wales must be informed of any sudden development while Maverick is away. As she runs towards their headquarters. Prince of Wales, Hood, and Bismarck are currently looking at the commotion going on from the rooftop. Using their binoculars, they see the modern warships including the USS Theodore Roosevelt. They immediately go down and head towards the exits. Just as they are about to go out. Cleveland comes rushing and is almost out of breath. Wales decides to ask her about the commotion at the docks.

Wales: Cleveland what is that commotion at the pier all about?

Cleveland: An aircraft carrier from the United States has just arrived.

Wales: Is it Enterprise?

Cleveland: No! We all know she's with the commander right. The name of the aircraft carrier is Theodore Roosevelt.

Wales: What's it doing here?

Cleveland: I don't know. But the support ships look scary as hell.

Bismarck: What do you mean?

Cleveland: I mean they got modern weapons that could get us all in one shot.

Hood: Could it be that they're ordered to eliminate all of us?

Wales: Let's not jump into conclusions. Commander Fernandez will not allow such a thing to happen to us. It's better if we ask the commanding officer of that ship about their purpose for docking in our harbor.

Cleveland: That's a good idea.

Hood: May I suggest that we use the car to get there instantly.

Wales: Alright let's use it to get to the harbor.

All three of them: Right!

As the girls ride the vintage car that they use to fetch Maverick and take him to headquarters. The five special passengers on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt brief one of the naval aviators about the mechanics of the sophisticated fighter jet. The pilot carefully listens to the five man team and asks several questions before getting inside the cockpit. After giving all the answers and instructions. The five special passengers go to the other side of the carrier to meet up with Adr. Ryan Collins. The hypersonic fighter jet has just been remotely started up and the chosen pilot taxis it towards one of the catapults. Meanwhile back at Azur Lane headquarters. Bismarck, Cleveland, Hood, and Prince of Wales arrive at the pier in the car that they used to fetch Maverick. They quickly give the ship girl driver to take them to the harbor where the Nimitz class aircraft carrier is slowly making his way towards the docks. They arrive just in time as Adr. Collins with his subordinates and his guests are walking towards the catwalk.

All four of them get out of the car. While Admiral Ryan Collins commander of the US fourth fleet get off from the ship. Together with the five special passengers and his subordinates. They patiently wait for Wales and her company to get to where they are standing. A few minutes later the four girls arrive. Adr. Collins immediately greets them while giving a salute to Wales.

Adr. Collins: (Salutes Wales.) Good morning ma'am.

Wales: (Tries her best to salute back.) Good morning too admiral. May I ask what is the purpose of your sudden visit to Azur Lane?

Adr. Collins: Before I answer that ma'am. I want to know who's the commanding officer of this base.

Wales: That would be Lt. Cdr. Wilfredo Fernandez sir. But he isn't currently here.

Adr. Collins: I see. May I ask where is he at the moment?

Wales: He is in the United States currently having a meeting with someone important.

Adr. Collins: I presume that you're second in command of this base.

Wales: Yes. I am the vice commander Prince of Wales. Now may I know the purpose of your sudden visit.

Adr. Collins: Right. About that. You see we are carrying a special cargo and five V.I.P.s on our ship. I was instructed to carry and leave the precious cargo and my guests in this base.

Wales: Precious cargo? V.I.P. guests? I don't recall Commander Fernandez ordering something like that.

Adr. Collins: Actually ma'am the order came from the president of the United States. It will be much helpful to us if you can let the precious cargo land here. And these five persons here stay in this base.

Wales: Is this one of those "no need to know" top secret military information that I must not put my hands in?

Adr. Collins: No ma'am. I have the written order given by the president. Since the commanding officer is not here. I have been allowed to give this to you since you are second in command. (Hands her a letter.)

Wales: (Takes the letter.) I will see to it that Lt. Cdr. Fernandez gets this letter.

Adr. Collins: Then I will take my leave now ma'am. Once our precious cargo leaves the ship and lands on your airfield. That's when we pick him up and leave this base.

Wales: Isn't that quite a bit hasty admiral? You and your fleet are more than welcome to stay here for a while and have a little rest and recreation.

Adr. Collins: I'd like to take you up on that offer ma'am. But once we deliver the package here my fleet are instructed to immediately head to the Philippines for a joint military exercise with the Philippine Armed Forces.

Wales: I see. Well then, have a safe trip admiral.

Adr. Collins: Thank you ma'am.

Admiral Collins and his subordinates leave the port and go back on board the aircraft carrier. At this time the pilot assigned to fly the F/X-120 flies the hypersonic fighter jet to the base's airfield. The five special passengers get on board a humvee and are escorted to the office by Wales and a pair of humvees carrying five marines each. Two F-35 Lightning II-Cs and two F-18 E Super Hornets provide air cover for the convoy. At the same time, Maverick and Enterprise are now flying inside the Pacific Time Zone. The former hotshot naval aviator is going to be in a big surprise once he gets back to Azur Lane.

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