give em hell kid

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i entered the family home and was instantly treated by my parents sat at the dining room table waiting for me.

Nicki and Rob were decent parents. they always did their best to give me the best life they possibly could and we're always there to get me out of any life or death situations i had gotten myself in, quite literally.

"how was your first day back at school kiddo?" my dad asked, my mother staring at me with a worried look on her face. "it was school, not much more to say really" i shrugged and went to put my earphones in. "how was maddi? her parents called and said she was looking forward to having you back?" my mum asked. they both had a sweet spot for Maddi. "yeah she was definitely enthusiastic about it" i chuckled; remembering back to earlier on in the day when she had quite literally squeezed the life out of me. "talking of her highness she'll be round later on"
"i don't know why you bother to let us know anymore Alex, she practically has spent half her life here since you two first met" my dad replied. i gave then both a small smile and made my way up the stairs to my bedroom. it was small but quaint, covered in band merchandise to the pile of t-shirt's growing on the floor that i had failed to put away to the few posters and flags on my wall that i had managed to put up at some point.

as i sat down on my bed and stared out the window i felt the all too common wave of darkness come over me. my head becoming both empty but so full of emotions and thoughts all at once. this was a daily occurrence that happened multiple times a day. i'm surprised i managed to last as long as i did before this happened. my 'waves of darkness' were the reason why i went M.I.A for those 6months. things just got a bit too heavy and hey i couldn't cope so had the brilliant idea of not leaving my bedroom and smoking constantly. i felt the tension build in my arms, my hands curled into fists to try and stop anything from happening to either myself or my possessions.

i don't know how long i'd been in this trance like state before Maddi let herself into my room and blew a cloud of smoke into my face. i just stared up at her blankly and slightly parted my lips to which she pulled out another cigarette, lit it, and placed it in-between my lips. Rob and Nicki didn't mind us smoking in my room as long as i had my windows open and a candle going to disguise the deathly scent as they called it. Maddi sat on the bed facing the wall just as i was and in unison we both collapsed backwards, our body's coming into contact with my memory foam mattress which had already started swallowing is. one great thing about Mads is that she can read me like a book. she knows when i'm doing good. she knows when i'm doing bad. she knows when to have a laugh and talk my ear off and she knows when to just sit with me in silence.

Maddi and i share a comfort band, My Chemical Romance, so when their music started to play through my ear phones and i began to whisper the lyrics softly she responded.

late dawns and early sunsets
just like my favourite scenes
then holding hands and life was perfect
just like up on the screen

and the whole time while always giving
counting your face among the living

up and down escalators
pennies and colder fountains
elevators and half price sales
trapped in by all these mountains

by the end of the song we were, with no doubt, screaming the lyrics. and again with no doubt my parents we're definitely listening and probably having a giggle at their son and basically adopted daughter being emo little shits.

and should i be shocked now
by the last thing you said?
before i pull this trigger
your eyes vacant and stained
and it's saying you love me
made things harder at best

and these words changing nothing
as your body remains
and there's no room in this hell
and no room in the next
but does anyone notice
there's a corpse in this bed?

after a few more hours of the same bellowing of song lyrics Maddi had to leave. "don't sweat it yeah bud? i know you won't talk about it cause you never do but i know that you're already struggling to be back just by the vacant look on your face when i walked in. but you'll be okay, we'll get through this year without any slip ups and hey you've seem to caught the eye of the Cullen's so who knows you might even make yourself some new friends" she winked at me whilst grabbing one of my jackets off of my coat hooks which hung over the door. "oh and Alex?"
"mhm?" i looked up at her anxiously;
"don't for get to give em' hell" she grinned at me.
"when do i ever forget?" a half smile appeared on my face as she walk out my room and down the hall.

"bye dear!" i heard my parents call out.
"bye!" Maddi shouted back as the front door to our house slammed. shattering the new found silence into tiny pieces.


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