the wolf and the play thing

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Edward's POV
"it's the same with his emotions. so many at once yet so little at the same time" Jasper responded. when i'd bumped into the Circe boy earlier all his thoughts came very clear. up until that point i only managed to hear the odd word so nothing really made sense but as soon as we made physical contact it was all clear as day.  despite his head being so loud and chaotic all he wanted was silence and peace. to not have to worry about himself or others, or what they thought of him.

"his future keeps changing too. sometimes more drastically than others. sometimes no future at all." Alice said as she walks into the kitchen. giving jasper a weary look as she spoke the last part. that's when i heard Alice's thoughts scream at me.
what are we going to do Edward?
i shrugged i response.

well think! we have to do something, he's Jaspers mate. we can't just leave because he might be too much trouble.
i looked over at a photo of my adoptive parents that was sat in the side and then back at Alice.

A- i spoke to them earlier and they said we need to do what's best for Jasper, ie whatever he wants.

before i could reply Jasper spoke up. "can you two stop having these conversations that obviously involve me and my mate without actually involving me?" 

Jasper's POV
i was torn. his beauty and mystery called me too him. he was on my mind 24/7. but the bloodlust was still too much. and if the Volturi found out that my mate was a mere human who had not yet been turned, my family and I, as well as Alex, would be dead meat.

the sun had begun to rise as i started to mentally prepare myself for school. to see Alex. i had to at least try. try and make things work. try and keep things under control. try and talk to him.

once my siblings am i arrived at school i waited. we all waited. leant up against our card or up against whatever siblings car had given them a lift that day, just like we did everyday. however this time we had something, someone, to look for. someone's scent to notice. that was when he came bounding in through the school gates, his earphones handing loosely around his face. he has humming some tune that i had never heard before.

Alex's POV
i walked through the school gate with If I Don't Have To by Keaton Henson swirling past my ear drums and into my brain, producing extreme amounts of serotonin. what can i say. that rugged british man fills my heart with joy.

You, it hurts because of you
and i'll kiss you through a hazmat suit,
that's what i'll do if i have to

you seem to know who i am,
as though you know just what to do
now you're all that i have,
is it fair to love me too?

as the words swirled through my brain, the words made their way to my lips and slightly leaked out into the open fresh air.  that's when i felt their eyes on my. the god like creatures. all their golden eyes staring at me. Jaspers head was tilted slightly in confusion. i brushed it off as myself being paranoid as i sometimes was and continued walking, getting closer and closer to the school building, my music still playing through my earphones. i had history first today which was gonna be great. first time having it since being back.

books and bag in hand, i walked into the classroom and noticed that once again the only spare seat was next to the blonde boy. the blonde boy who didn't look as unbearable as he had on my first day, his had was still curled up into a tight fist but he's face was softer, more welcoming. i walked to my seat that was located in the very centre row and placed my books on my desk and my bag on the floor, by my feat. "hello" the boy spoke. a southern twang to his voice greeted me. i turned my face towards him slowly. i was slightly taken back, i wasn't sure whether that was because he had spoken, let alone to me, or surprised about his texan accent. "hello" i replied sheepishly. "my names Jasper Hale it's nice to meet you" he extended a hand out to me, the corner of his lip risen slightly. i shook his hand gently. "Alex. Alex Circe", his smile increased slightly as i went back to my work and music.

i wrote myself a symphony
just to take my mind off all the leaving
i've done
i can't paint it out of me
all i get is bruises on my knees and my thumb
i try hard to leave it, but i cannot write myself a story i like

"what are you listening too?" Jaspers voice interrupted my music yet again. instead of mustering up the energy to reply i removed the left earphones and hand it to him. he stared cautiously at me before placing it in his ear. a smiled at him slightly. i felt his eyes continue to study me as they had been previously, both of us now surrounded by music.

i don't want to be the best
i am weary let me rest
i'm going to wait right here for no one
i'm the reason i can't sleep
i got all my baby teeth
all buried underneath my grown ones
oh i fear the races run
i'm afraid of everyone
i'm scared of all this breathing

i give up
i'm going to live if it kills me
i give up
i'm going to live if it kills me

"i like it, what's the artists name?" he asked.
"um, Keaton Henson, he's kinda depressing sometimes but it always seems to cheer me up slightly whenever i listen to his music." he didn't respond. just got on with his work, my earphones still slotted comfortably into his ear.

as i arrived at my house i noticed an extra car in the driveway. as i unlocked the door i was greeted by two new faces standing by my parents. "Alex, come here and meet Billy and Luke Black, they're old friends of us. you and Luke used to play together as children but you probably don't remember that" my father spoke.
"uh no i don't sorry" i placed my bag and jacket on the floor. i walked up to the two males. Billy was, noticeably in a wheelchair, and his son Luke was stood behind him. "do you have to push him around or something?" i blurted out.
"Alex!!" my mum scaulded me. Billy and Luke just chuckled. "he wishes" Billy said.
"i only wish i did so then i could just push him down a hill when he got on my nerves". i laughed along slightly with them.

it'd been an hour or two since i'd arrived home and i'd only just heated my parents say goodbye to the two Blacks. despite them being such old friends i'd never heard of either of them. no mention of their old friend Billy or his long haired son Luke. they both seem normal enough, compared to me that is.


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