Chapter 1: Beginnings

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(a/n I really like this amv make sure to support the creator who created this masterpiece if you liked it to)

(shin godzilla pov)
Shin godzilla-(thoughts) How long has it been since I was frozen. I don't even know. I can't even have my own sense of time since my brain is almost no going to work anymore.

Just when shin godzilla was about to fall. A bright light suddenly envolped his consciousness, waking him up.
(a/n I'm going to call shin godzilla shin from now on since it will take too much time typing the full thing)

Shin- (thoughts) Huh? what happened? what was that bright light?
Suddenly sg saw a human female but with a slightly strange appearance and aura, this confused shin as he has never saw a human like this.

Shin-(thoughts) hm? That's weird,since when did humans have such aura around them and since when could humans float

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Shin-(thoughts) hm? That's weird,since when did humans have such aura around them and since when could humans float.

(mithra pov)
Mithra-(thoughts) yes! I managed to bring it's consciousness to my realm, now to tell it about my offer.
Mithra- Greetings shin, my name is mithra, goddess of light and peace. And I have brought your consciousness here to present to you an offer.
Shin-*incoherent grumbling and low roars
Mithra- ... Ohhh, that's right, how could I have forgotten, a kaiju won't be able to understand human speech or at least be able to respond back in human speech. I should fix that.
(shin pov)
Shin-(What is this human talking about, something about being a goddess and presenting an offer to me. If only my brain could evolve so that I can fluently understand human speech. But since the only words humans ever said to me were monster and die I didn't have much to work with.)
My train of thoughts were interrupted when I saw the human or the self-proclaimed "goddess" stuck her  hand out towards me and my body began to change. I was becoming smaller and my arms seemed to grow longer and more bulky. I looked down to the ground to see my reflection since this weird place's floor was somehow reflective and saw a unforgettable thing.
Mysterious human- *sweatdrop. Uhh, Mr kaiju sir?
Shin- Wh-what, wait the mysterious human. How am I suddenly able to understand you so well? And how I'm able to speak? Why do I look like a human male? I know this wasn't because of my evolution sine if it was I would've known myself so WHAT IS GOING ON?!!!
Mithra- please calm down. I will explain everything to you. But I can only do so if you listen to what I have to say carefully. Is that alright with you?
Shin-..... Fine since I don't understand anything right now and you seem to be the only human here who can explain this situation to me. I got nothing to lose listening to you.
Mithra- Thank you for your cooperation. Now then, to start over with the introductions, I am not human, I am the goddess of light and peace mithra and I brought you here to present you with an offer.
Shin- Wait, goddess? How can I be sure that you're not lying to me right now.
Mithra- oh? Are you also one who does not believe in the existence of gods and goddesses?
Shin- Well it's kinda hard to believe in  God's when the gods don't answer to your prayers when you need them the most and if you truly are the goddess of light and peace then I'm pretty sure you would have received mine way before this.
Mithra- (guilty)... I'm truly very sorry and you're right, I should have received your prayers and answers to them sooner, I was in a dilemma on what to do in one of the other worlds I watch over but I know that's not an excuse to my negligence.
Shin- Other worlds? Like you mean different planets in what humans call space?
Mithra- Oh no, when I say different worlds I meant different universes. And before you ask, yes different worlds do exist. Think of it as different versions of the earth. These worlds can be different in how advanced they are. To the existence of unique creatures like you. There are many possibilities. Some even say that the number of different universes are infinite.

To say shin  was shocked and overwhelmed by this reveal was an understatement. Not only did the human in front of him was a goddess but she also told him of the existence of other worlds which he never once considered in his life to even exist. But despite his shock he had one burning question that washed away all of his shock for just a moment.

Shin- Okay. So I kinda understand about this whole other worlds thing but why would you tell someone like me about this?
Mithra- * slight giggle. Now this is where my offer comes in. Shin I want to give you a chance at peace.

Shin almost couldn't believe his now human-like ears. Here stood an opportunity for the one thing he wanted the most, but shin was no fool and knew that if you wanted someone to gift you with something, you too must give them something equivalent to the thing their giving you.

Shin- Hm, what's the catch? I know you're a peaceful and kind goddess and all but even you would want something in return no?
Mithra- Glad to see you catch on fast. See currently one of the worlds I was watching over is facing quite the troubling crisis.

Mithra then proceeds to show shin a vision. In this vision he saw a land filled with beautiful forests that stretch on for miles and beautiful waters that outshine even the one that he used to live in, especially with how humans had polluted it. It was the enbodiment of paradise.Shin presumed this to be the other world mithra was talking about. But then the beautiful scenery takes a drastic chang for the worse. Huge fires filled the land almost the same way shin had done to Tokyo. Monsters rampaged the lands and killed all the men and raped the women. All of this was lead by man who had a great sword on his back  and armour which had a black dog insignia on the side. Shin did not know why but a part of him was just boiling with rage. Just on the edge off lashing out and killing each and every single man and monster who dare got involved with this madness.

Mithra- I felt the same way when I first saw this, I wanted to intervene and put an end to this so badly. So much so that you couldn't even imagine it. But unfortunately we gods and goddess have an absolute rule that we must never break, which is we cannot directly interact and intervene in a world's event but we could do so indirectly.

Once again, shin quickly caught on to what mithra was suggesting and said.

Shin- So this is the part where I come in right?
Mithra- Precisely, during the time when I was thinking of a solution to this problem was the same time that I had heard your prayer to me. So my plan is to give you peace, but only after you help stop the evils of this world and free it from the black dog's tyranny. Of course you will not be doing this alone. I am allowed to send a part of my consciousness to travel with you in order to tell you what to do. What do you say.

Shin-(thoughts) "black dogs? So that's their name huh? So if I free this beautiful world from the black dogs, then I could be at peace. Hmph, I think that my answer is obvious at this point.
Shin- Sure, I accept your offer. I got nothing to lose and I don't mind fighting one last time for my peace.

Mithra was beyond relieved when he heard shin's reply. So much so that she started to cry happy tears knowing that she not only saved a world, but a suffering soul who was falsely accused of being a heartless monster a fate worse than death.

Mithra-(crying) Thank you, thank you so much. *hic* you have no idea how much this means to me.
Shin- Don't mention it, besides I'm also technically doing this for my own benefit too so it's nothing to cry over.
Mithra- Still, I thank you with all my heart. I promise to repay you by using all of my powers to give you the peace you want when this is all over. Now then.

Mithra proceeded to open a portal of sorts, on the other side lied eostia, the world shin was going to save. Mithra then turned to shin and gave her hand to shin and said.

Mithra- Well then. Are you ready?

Shin with the largest smile he could muster in the first time ever in his existence responded with.

Shin- Hell yeah!

(chapter one fin)

(a/n alright finished with chapter one. Sorry if my instalments in the future will be a bit inconsistent since I have school and I'm currently going through exam. I'm also thinking off adding something akin to godzilla Jr but for shin somewhere in the future, but I'll have to think of a way to fit him in to the plot. Anyways see you guys in the next chapter.)

(Shin Godzilla x Kuroinu Crossover) A Kaiju's Redemption Where stories live. Discover now