Facing Our Demons

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Magnus came back from a particularly stressful meeting with a client, and he walked through the door hoping to spend some time with his beloved Alexander.
"Alexander, I'm home," Magnus called out, talking of his shoes and closing the door with a flourish of his hands since he felt particularly lazy.
"I'm in the kitchen," Alec shouted.
"Is that teriyaki salmon? I can smell" It was one of Magnus's favorite dishes.
"Yes, I know you've had a stressful day" Alec came out to see Magnus. He kissed him before taking him over to the table to eat.
"This is wonderful, Alexander, thank you so much" Magnus look at Alec before conjuring up some cocktails.

Alec and Magnus were on the couch after a wonderful dinner, with Alec sitting on one end with Magnus's legs on him. They watched America's next top model (one of Magnus's favorites) when Alec got a phone call from Jace.
"Sorry, Mags, I should take this" Alec stood up and walked into the kitchen, not noticing Magnus's worried expression.

"Hey Alec"
"What's up."
"Just wanted to let you know we're meeting with Luke to look at some evidence from the attacks and to see if there's anything we missed."
"Ok, I'll meet you at the institute."
"No, you stay with Magnus. We'll call if we need you."
"Ok, talk later. Bye"
Alec ended the call with a sigh before looking back into the living room, Magnus was sprawled out on the couch, but Alec could sense his worry.

"What was that about, darling."
"Nothing Jace, Izzy, and Clary are meeting with Luke about the attacks."
"Oh, I'll see you later than" Magnus's mood instantly soured, and he looked down sadly.
"Well, I was hoping you could see me now," Alec replied with a smirk
"You're staying" Magnus perked up and pulled Alec down to kiss him
"Well, I wouldn't want to miss this" Alec leaned down to return the kiss.

At the Jade Wolf

"Thanks for meeting us, Luke," Clary said, leaning in for a hug
"No problem, anything for my favorite girls and Jace," Luke said, smiling
"You said you found some evidence at the last attack," Izzy said, laughing a bit from Luke's comment
"Yeah, but it's a bit weird; I don't even know if it's related."
"Well, anything can be helpful," Clary said hopefully
"Here it is" Luke passed a medium-sized box, labeled evidence

Jace opens it to find a single pure white rose with red tips; there was also a small note on fine paper with neat handwriting.
"Is this it?" Jace said, looking at the strange items
"Yeah, sorry," Luke said
"Hey, what does the note say," Clary asked
"My little dove has flown its cage, but one day it shall return; I'll put it back in its cage and let the whole world burn," Jace readout.
"That's strange," Izzy said
"Hey, you knew it could have been left behind by another person or dropped," Luke suggested
"Yeah, your right. It's probably nothing; I'll call Alec, though," Jace said

"Hey Jace, what's up" Alec sounded out of breath like he had been running
"We found some evidence from the attacks, but Luke thinks it's unrelated."
"What is it"
"A note that has nothing to do with the attacks and a white rose with red tips."
Alec froze at the mention of the rose

*Flashback start*

"Hey love, I know you had a bad day, so I got you this" Dominic held out a single white rose with red tips.
"That's so beautiful," Alec said in awe.
"And unique just like you love" Dominic passed the rose to Alec

*Flashback end*

"Alec, Alec, You still there."
"Yeah, sorry, Luke's right. It's probably unrelated. Um, I'm sorry, but I need to go. Talk later" And with that, Alec abruptly ended the call.

At Magnus Place

"Is something wrong, darling" Magnus asked, walking over to Alec
"No, it's nothing, don't worry" Alec turned around to face Magnus
"Okay, if you say so, I'm going in a shower. Join me if you want" Magnus winked and walked to the bathroom
A couple of minutes later, Magnus was blasting songs from his phone and before stepping into the shower.

Meanwhile, Alec looked under the bed and took out a box from under the floorboards; he opened it, took out a single white rose with red tips, and placed it to the side. He took a photograph and note that was pinned to it. He looked so happy in the photo he hardly recognized himself

*Flashback start*

"And here are the two lovebirds" Cara's voice was laughing from behind the camera.
Alec blushed and hid his face in Dominic's neck.
"Oh, look what you've done" Dominic was laughing.
"Oh, look, he's pale with red tips just like his rose," Damien commented
At that, everyone started laughing, even Alec
"Okay, I'm going to take my little dove to bed. Please show yourselves out."
Dominic picked Alec up and walked to the bedroom, still laughing

*Flashback end*

Alec picked up the items and walked over to the bin; just as he would throw them away, he felt a pang in his chest. Guilt, he felt too guilty, so he quickly put them back in the box and hid the box away. He sat on the floor and sighed; he was never free.

At the Institute

"So where are we going, and why can't I get Alec" Jace whined
"We're going to check out some suspicious activity undercover, and Alec is finally relaxing with Magnus, so leave him be, or I swear to the angel I will--"
"Ok, Ok. I get it, no Alec," Jace pouted.

They met up with Clary and Simon before walking to an abandoned warehouse.
"This is fun," Jace muttered.
"Shh, we're supposed to be just observing," Izzy said, shushing him
"Simon can you hear anything," Clary asked quietly
"Yeah, there are voices, and someone is coming, get down," Simon whispered shouted.

"You there, yes you. I can see you. Get back in here. He'll be here any second. Don't want him to catch you slacking, do you" A tall man asked, pointing at Simon.
"Uhh no, of course not, coming," Simon said, walking over
"Ahh, you must be the new boy, a vampire, I see."
The voice belonged to a man none of the group had ever seen before. He was tall and handsome. He had dark black hair with red tips and blood-red eyes; he wore an expensive-looking suit.
"Uh yes, sir," Simon stuttered.
"Brilliant, but unfortunately, you are a couple of days early but don't worry, I won't kill you for being eager" The man chuckled, and a shiver went down Simons's spine.
"Uhh, thanks," Simon said, unsure.
"But since you here, I have a job for you. Don't worry; it's effortless. I need you to have a look around the institute. To keep an eye on things for me, I'll speak with you in a bit" With a movement of his hands, the other man walked off with him, leaving a confused Simon behind.

Once outside and a safe distance away, Izzy exploded
"Who was that? That was no demon."
"Yeah, he looked like a warlock," Clary said
"Well, let's get back to the institute and report this," Jace said, and they started running back.

"Ah, my Alexander, I'll be coming for you soon."

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