Dealing With The Consequences

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Back at The Institute

"Alec, we need to decide what to do with Lily," Cara said when they stepped into the institute and out from the portal.
"Your right, but I don't want to be too harsh," Alec said, sighing.
"We could put her on teaching the new recruits," Cara suggested
"Cruel but ok" Alec gave a small laugh
"Alright, Alpha," Cara gave a mock salute.

"Right, what the hell is up with all this Alpha nonsense? You're not werewolves," Izzy said, cutting in and wiping the smile off Alec's face.
"Grimm's have a hierarchy too," Cara butted in
"Mind explaining it to the non-Grimm's in the room," Jace said; he was obviously annoyed.
"Well, at the top are the archangels, then the council, the observers, Alphas, and then regular Grimm's and Angels."
"What is an observer" Clary asked
"What's an Alpha," Magnus asked, trying to understand all this.
"Observers look into the future and see how various events affect the future; if the effect is too drastic, then Grimm's are sent to alter the events. Alphas look at groups of Grimm's. There is usually one Alpha for every city. It's to stop disruptions within groups." Cara said
"Sounds fun," Jace said, annoyed
"Better than just following the Clave," Replied Alec, just as annoyed.

"Maybe I should take Alec back to his room, and everyone can calm down," Magnus said, trying to defuse the obvious tension.
"Fine," Jace said before stalking off.
"I'm sorry, Alec," Izzy said; she looked genuinely sad at upsetting Alec. Clary walked off with Izzy.
"Alexander, we---" Magnus was cut off by Alec turning to Cara

"I'll see you soon ok; make sure Lily's ok" Alec gave her a kiss on the check
"Have fun," Cara replied, smirking and walking off.
"Let's go" Alec turned back to Magnus.

Alec and Magnus walked back to Alec's room in silence. Magnus was upset that Alec ran off and risked Dominic finding him, but he could also understand how betrayed Alec must feel. They were basically treating him as if he was mad.
When they went into the room, Alec took off his shirt and dumped it on the floor.
"As much as I appreciate the view, maybe we should talk first," Magnus teased, trying to lighten the mood, but the look Alec gave him was enough to shut anyone up.
"Not in a joking mood then," Magnus said to himself awkwardly. Alec spoke once he had put on more comfy clothes.

"You lied to me, you knew how I felt, and you lied to me," Alec said, turning around to look Magnus in the eyes.
"Alec, we thought it was necessary to protect you," Magnus said gently
"There it is," Alec shouted, throwing his hands up
"What are you talking about, Alexander."
"The gentle tones as if you shouting will make me have a fit, the "We're just protecting you" line that I'm always hearing. I'm not crazy Magnus, it's my psychotic ex who thinks it's fun to play with my head," Alec yelled in frustration.
"Alexander, everything we're doing is to help and protect you; that isn't just a line, it's true" Magnus stepped forward. "I love you, and I'm terrified of losing you."

Alec could see the fear and worry in Magnus's eyes. He stepped towards Magnus and wrapped him in his arms. His wings came out and curled protectively around them.
"I'm right here; I promise you won't lose me" Alec looked down at Magnus
"I'm sorry," was Magnus's reply
"I forgive you," Alec said softly.

Later That Night

"Alexander, love," A voice whispered from the darkness
Alec sat up in bed and glanced over at Magnus, but he was still asleep. He went to wake him up, but then he heard that voice pulling him towards it.
"Follow my voice Alexander," It said
Alec followed the voice through the institute, but he was stopped by one of the new recruits, Laura.
"Going for a walk, sir" She said politely
"Yes, and you can call me Alec," Was his reply
She respectfully nodded her head, and Alec walked outside of the institute until he saw a figure outside the gates.
"Hello, little dove" Dominic said
Suddenly, as if someone had flipped a switch, Alec came to his senses. He tried to move, but something had frozen him in place.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," Dominic whispered, stroking Alec's face
Dominic murmured something in Latin before Alec saw Black

When Alec woke up, he was back in his bed at the institute, with Magnus beside him. Huh, he thought, what a weird dream. But he didn't notice the note on his bookshelf with the words "Soon my little Dove."

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